EventMachine APN Manager

EventMachine APN Connection Manager, The purpose is to support multiple cert and multiple application with one process. It use redis pubsub to get message from application, then send message to apple, also kept the connection to APNS server, so it won't be blocked by apple.

Steps for running with Rails:

  1. Add below line to Gemfile:

    gem 'em_apn_manager', git: '[email protected]:hlxwell/em_apn_manager.git'
  2. Generate config/em_apn_manager.yml file:

    bundle exec rails g event_machine:apn_manager:install
  3. Run the server

    bundle exec em_apn_manager server -e development

Steps for running Standalone:

  1. Install em_apn_manager gem

    gem install em_apn_manager
  2. Run

    // read redis from url
    em_apn_manager server -r redis://localhost:6379/em_apn_manager


    // read redis config from config
    em_apn_manager server -c CONFIG_FILE_PATH -e development

Put below line to your code for sending push notification:

  token: DEVICE_TOKEN,
  message: YOUR_MESSAGE

or if you don't need to install em_apn_manager in your project, you can do this:

your_redis_instance.publish "push-notification", {
  env: "development",
  cert: cert,
  token: options[:token],
  message: options[:message]

If you want to run server in background:

em_apn_manager server --daemon --pid_file /PATH/TO/PID


em_apn_manager server -d -p /PATH/TO/PID

Generate pem from p12

This is the Tutorial for how to get p12 file.

You have to convert p12 format to pem format by below command line.

openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -out cert.pem -nodes -clcerts