EventMachine Wrapper

em-wrapper wraps objects callbacks to EventMachine next ticks using EM::next_tick, so allows transparent multiplexing of objects which aren't multiplexable by default.

It provides proxied class, so returned class is kind of the same class as wrapped class, with different #object_id only. Also standard returns work as expected and as is usuall.

See some example:

require "em-wrapper"
require "eventmachine"

class Foo
    def foo
        yield :foo
        return :bar

wrapped = EM::Wrapper::new(Foo)::new
EM::run do
    p wrapped.foo { |value|      # 1. will print :bar out
        p value                  # 2. will be run in next EM 
                                 #    tick, will print :foo out

Also object wrapping is supported. In that case, simply give object instance instead of class object to the constructor. Wrapped object instance will be returned.

Copyright © 2011 – 2015 Martin Poljak. See LICENSE.txt for further details.