
This gem enables a Rails app to define custom Chef recipes while still using an awesome default set of Chef recipes. Best used in conjunction with relevance_rails and slushy. Includes recipes for ruby 1.9, ree, mysql, postgresql and nginx/passenger.


To use Elzar with your Rails app, just use (relevance_rails)[].

But if you'd like to manually do it:

# Creates a provision/ directory to define app-specific cookbooks
Elzar.create_provision_directory 'provision'

# To combine Elzar's cookbooks with your app's cookbooks
dir = Elzar.merge_and_create_temp_directory 'provision'
# You now have a directory you can put on a chef node

Local Development

If you'd like to try these Chef cookbooks with Vagrant:

$ git clone [email protected]:relevance/elzar.git
$ cd elzar
$ gem install bundler
# creates provision/ for local vagrant use
$ rake bam
$ cd provision
$ bundle install

## Using Vagrant

Download and install VirtualBox (as instructed in the Vagrant
[Getting Started guide]( Then set up
your bundle and grab the Ubuntu Lucid VM image.

    vagrant box add lucid64

## Spin up a new VM
$ vagrant up

## SSH into the VM
$ vagrant ssh

## Destroy the VM
$ vagrant destroy

## Re-run Chef recipes on the VM
$ vagrant provision

## Stop/Start the VM
$ vagrant suspend
$ vagrant resume


Please file issues on github.