Elrte Rails


  • Rails 3.1 (need asset pipline, feel free to help me add 3.0 support)

  • gem el_finder


  1. Add “gem ‘eltre’” to Gemfile

  2. call “bundle install” in your terminal to install gem

  3. call “rails g eltre:install” to generate needed files

  4. add “//= require elrte” in needed javascript file (application.js or may be active_admin.js)

  5. add “@import ‘elrte’;” in needed stylesheet file (application.css.scss or may be active_admin.css.scss)

  6. add class ‘editor’ to needed field and check eltre editor instead of it with elfinder support


Need your feasible help. Feel free to add issue about found bugs, send me pull request with fixes.

Related projects

elRTE on Github


by phallstrom


  • Fork it.

  • Create a branch (git checkout -b critical_bug)

  • Commit your changes (git commit -am “Fixed critical bug”)

  • Push to the branch (git push origin critical_bug)

  • Create an Issue with a link to your branch

  • Wait