Elocal Capistrano

A bunch of handy Capistrano 2.0 tasks.



cap chef

Runs chef-client on all servers.

Delayed Job

cap delayed_job:upstart:start
cap delayed_job:upstart:restart
cap delayed_job:upstart:stop

Start/stop/restart a delayed job process using upstart. You can change the name of the task with the delayed_job_application_name variable.

set(:delayed_job_application_name, 'foobar')

By default the #application_delayed_job is used.

Generally, this will be hooked in like:

%w(start stop restart).each do |st|
  after "deploy:#{st}", "delayed_job:upstart:#{st}"

Deployment Utilities

cap deploy:symlink_shared_configuration

This will find files in the directory #deploy_to/shared/config and link them in to the release path using the basic logic.

ln -nfs #{deploy_to}/shared/config/$f #{release_path}/config/$f

Generally, this will be hooked in with an after callback.

after "bundle:install", "deploy:symlink_shared_configuration"


cap god:start
cap god:restart
cap god:stop

Start/stop/restart a god process using. You can change the name of the task with the god_application_name variable.

set(:god_application_name, 'foobar')

By default, the application name is used.

Generally, this will be hooked in like:

%w(start stop restart).each do |st|
  after "deploy:#{st}", "god:#{st}"


cap maintenance:begin
cap maintenance:end

Creates a HTML page at public/system/503.html. We rely on Nginx to check for that file and display it for all requests if present.


cap puma:upstart:start
cap puma:upstart:restart
cap puma:upstart:stop

Start/stop/restart a puma process using upstart. You can change the name of the task with the puma_application_name variable.

set(:puma_application_name, 'foobar')

By default the #application_puma is used.

Generally, this will be hooked in like:

%w(start stop restart).each do |st|
  after "deploy:#{st}", "puma:upstart:#{st}"


cap syslog:grep -s pattern=abc -s all_logs=true

Utility to grep syslog for a specific pattern.

  • pattern - The pattern to match on. Regular expressions are used. This is required.
  • all_logs - If true, all syslogs will be search. If false or unset, only the current log is searched.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'elocal_capistrano'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

In your Capfile add

require 'elocal_capistrano'


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/elocal_capistrano/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request