elliptic - elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) cryptography with OpenSSL made easy (incl. secp256k1 curve)



Did you know? All you need to open up a new account on a blockchain is an (unsigned) 256-bit / 32-byte integer number. Yes, that's it. No questions asked. The private key is the secret "magic" that unlocks your own bank.

Q: What's the maximum value for a 256-bit / 32-byte integer number (hint 2^256-1)?

Maximum value of 2^256-1 =

#=> 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935
(2**256-1).digits.size           # or to_s.length
#=> 78

Yes, that's 78 (!) decimal digits.

Let's (re)try the maximum value for a 256-bit (32-byte) integer number in hexadecimal (base 16) and binary (base 2) format?

#=> "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
(2**256-1).digits(16).size      # or to_s(16).length
#=> 64

#=> "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
(2**256-1).digits(2).size       # or to_s(2).length
#=> 256

Surprise - a 256-bit number has 256 binary digits (0 and 1s).

BEWARE - Blockchain Bandits! If you use a low integer number e.g. 1, 2, etc. your account is guaranteed to get robbed by blockchain bandits in seconds.

(See A "Blockchain Bandit" Is Guessing Private Keys and Scoring Millions by Andy Greenberg, Wired Magazine, April 2019)

Private Key

An ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) private key is a random number between 1 and the order of the elliptic curve group.

require 'elliptic'

# Auto-generate (random) private key
private_key = EC::PrivateKey.generate    # by default uses Secp256k1 curve (used in Bitcoin and Ethereum)

#=> 29170346885894798724849267297784761178669026868482995474159965944722616190552
#=> "407dd4ccde53d30f3a9cda74ceccb247f3997466964786b59e4d68e93e8f8658"

Derive / (Auto-)Calculate the Public Key - Enter Elliptic Curve (EC) Cryptography

The public key (K) are two numbers (that is, a point with the coordinates x and y) computed by multiplying the generator point (G) of the curve with the private key (k) e.g. K=k*G. This is equivalent to adding the generator to itself k times. Magic? Let's try:

# This private key is just an example. It should be much more secure!
private_key = EC::PrivateKey.new( 1234 )   # by default uses Secp256k1 curve (used in Bitcoin and Ethereum)

public_key =  private_key.public_key   ## the "magic" one-way K=k*G curve multiplication (K=public key,k=private key, G=generator point)
point = public_key.point

#=> 102884003323827292915668239759940053105992008087520207150474896054185180420338
#=> 49384988101491619794462775601349526588349137780292274540231125201115197157452

#=> "e37648435c60dcd181b3d41d50857ba5b5abebe279429aa76558f6653f1658f2"
#=> "6d2ee9a82d4158f164ae653e9c6fa7f982ed8c94347fc05c2d068ff1d38b304c"

Sign & Verify Transactions

Sign a transaction with an (elliptic curve) private key:

# Step 1 - Calculate the Transaction (tx) Hash
tx = 'from: Alice  to: Bob     cryptos: 43_000_000_000'
txhash = Digest::SHA256.digest( tx )

# Step 2 - Get the Signer's Private key
private_key = EC::PrivateKey.new( 1234 )     # This private key is just an example. It should be much more secure!

# Sign!
signature = private_key.sign( txhash )
# -or-
signature = EC.sign( txhash, private_key )

#=> 80563021554295584320113598933963644829902821722081604563031030942154621916407
#=> 58316177618967642068351252425530175807242657664855230973164972803783751708604

#=> "3306a2f81ad2b2f62ebe0faec129545bc772babe1ca5e70f6e56556b406464c0"
#=> "4fe202bb0835758f514cd4a0787986f8f6bf303df629dc98c5b1a438a426f49a"

Verify a signed transaction with an (elliptic curve) public key:

# Step 1 - Calculate the Transaction (tx) Hash
tx = 'from: Alice  to: Bob     cryptos: 43_000_000_000'
txhash = Digest::SHA256.digest( tx )

# Step 2 - Get the Signer's Public Key
public_key = EC::PublicKey.new(

# Step 3 - Get the Transaction's Signature
signature = EC::Signature.new(

# Don't Trust - Verify
public_key.verify?( txhash, signature )
# -or-
EC.verify?( txhash, signature, public_key )
#=> true

# or using hexadecimal numbers

public_key = EC::PublicKey.new(

signature = EC::Signature.new(

public_key.verify?( txhash, signature )
# -or-
EC.verify?( txhash, signature, public_key )
#=> true

To sum up:

  • The (raw) private key is a 256-bit unsigned integer number
  • The (raw) public key is a point (x,y), that is, two 256-bit unsigned integer numbers - derived (calculated) from the private key
  • A (raw) signature is composed of (r,s), that is, two 256-bit unsigned integer numbers

That's all the magic.

Private / Public Key Formats


To get the all-in-one-string public key from a point with the coordinates x and y use the Standards for Efficient Cryptography (SEC) 1) uncompressed format or the 2) compressed format:

# 1) Uncompressed format (with prefix 04)
#   Convert to 64 hexstring characters (32 bytes) in length

prefix = '04'
pubkey = prefix + "%064x" % point.x + "%064x" % point.y
#=> "04e37648435c60dcd181b3d41d50857ba5b5abebe279429aa76558f6653f1658f26d2ee9a82d4158f164ae653e9c6fa7f982ed8c94347fc05c2d068ff1d38b304c"

# 2) Compressed format (with prefix - 02 = even / 03 = odd)
#   Instead of using both x and y coordinates,
#   just use the x-coordinate and whether y is even/odd

prefix = point.y % 2 == 0 ? '02' : '03'
pubkey = prefix + "%064x" % point.x
#=> "02e37648435c60dcd181b3d41d50857ba5b5abebe279429aa76558f6653f1658f2"

or use the builtin helpers:

# 1) Uncompressed format (with prefix 04)
#   Convert to 64 hexstring characters (32 bytes) in length

point.to_s   # or point.to_s( :uncompressed )
#=> "04e37648435c60dcd181b3d41d50857ba5b5abebe279429aa76558f6653f1658f26d2ee9a82d4158f164ae653e9c6fa7f982ed8c94347fc05c2d068ff1d38b304c"

# 2) Compressed format (with prefix - 02 = even / 03 = odd)
#   Instead of using both x and y coordinates,
#   just use the x-coordinate and whether y is even/odd

point.to_s( :compressed )
#=> "02e37648435c60dcd181b3d41d50857ba5b5abebe279429aa76558f6653f1658f2"



To export a private or public key to the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format use to_pem:

private_key = EC::PrivateKey.generate
#=> "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
#    oUQDQgAEoll8rYerfDH4q6nT1miTZZ315a8BFsKA13Z8Zif5Mh+qavIr/6HpI/Kq
#    Q0bnuOZiCD9gpEIWo7VGN8wJgcu6ZA==
#    -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----"

public_key = private_key.public_key
#=> "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
#    13Z8Zif5Mh+qavIr/6HpI/KqQ0bnuOZiCD9gpEIWo7VGN8wJgcu6ZA==
#    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----"

To export a private or public key to the (binary) Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) in Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) format use to_der:

#=> "\xA1D\x03B\x00\x04\xA2Y|\xAD\x87\xAB|1
#     \xF8\xAB\xA9\xD3\xD6h\x93e\x9D\xF5\xE5\xAF\x01\x16\xC2\x80
#     \xD7v|f'\xF92\x1F\xAAj\xF2+\xFF\xA1\xE9#\xF2\xAACF\xE7\xB8
#     \xE6b\b?`\xA4B\x16\xA3\xB5F7\xCC\t\x81\xCB\xBAd"

public_key = private_key.public_key
#=> "0V0\x10\x06\a*\x86H\xCE=\x02\x01\x06\x05+\x81\x04\x00
#    \x03B\x00\x04\xA2Y|\xAD\x87\xAB|1\xF8\xAB\xA9
#    \xD3\xD6h\x93e\x9D\xF5\xE5\xAF\x01\x16\xC2\x80\xD7v|f'\xF92
#    \x1F\xAAj\xF2+\xFF\xA1\xE9#\xF2\xAACF\xE7\xB8\xE6b
#    \b?`\xA4B\x16\xA3\xB5F7\xCC\t\x81\xCB\xBAd"

To export a private or public key to the Base64-encoded Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) in Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) format use to_base64:

#    oUQDQgAEoll8rYerfDH4q6nT1miTZZ315a8BFsKA13Z8Zif5Mh+qavIr/6HpI/Kq
#    Q0bnuOZiCD9gpEIWo7VGN8wJgcu6ZA=="

public_key = private_key.public_key
#    13Z8Zif5Mh+qavIr/6HpI/KqQ0bnuOZiCD9gpEIWo7VGN8wJgcu6ZA=="


To import a private or public key in the PEM or DER format use the all-in-one convenience constructor:

private_key = EC::PrivateKey.new( "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----
    -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----" )

public_key = EC::PublicKey.new( "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----" )

## or

private_key = EC::PrivateKey.new( "\xA1D\x03B\x00\x04\xA2Y|\xAD\x87\xAB|1
     \xE6b\b?`\xA4B\x16\xA3\xB5F7\xCC\t\x81\xCB\xBAd".b )

public_key = EC::PublicKey.new( "0V0\x10\x06\a*\x86H\xCE=\x02\x01\x06\x05+\x81\x04\x00
    \b?`\xA4B\x16\xA3\xB5F7\xCC\t\x81\xCB\xBAd".b )

or use the decode/from helper:

private_key = EC::PrivateKey.decode_pem( ... )     # or from_pem( ... )
              EC::PrivateKey.decode_der( ... )     # or from_der( ... )
              EC::PrivateKey.decode_base64( ... )  # or from_base64( ... )

public_key  = EC::PublicKey.decode_pem( ... )      # or from_pem( ... )
              EC::PublicKey.decode_der( ... )      # or from_der( ... )
              EC::PublicKey.decode_base64( ... )   # or from_base64( ... )

That's it.

Aside - Elliptic What?

Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) is an approach to public-key cryptography based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields.

(Source: Elliptic-curve cryptography @ Wikipedia)

What's an Elliptic Curve?

This is a graph of secp256k1's elliptic curve y² = x³ + 7 over the real numbers. Note that because secp256k1 is actually defined over the field Zₚ, its graph will in reality look like random scattered points, not anything like this.

(Source: Secp256k1 @ Bitcoin Wiki)

Bitcon Public Service Announcement:

If we all buy Bitcoin from one another at ever higher prices we'll all be rich beyond our wildest dreams.

-- Trolly McTrollface

BEWARE: Yes, Bitcoin Is a Ponzi - Learn How the Investment Fraud Works »


Just install the gem:

$ gem install elliptic


The scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send them along to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!