
Query your MediaElch/XBMC library with Ruby! Easy and powerful search for your media chaos.

  • Query on NFO, source data or file contents
  • e.g.: List movies with actor X but not actor Y and release date was between 2003 and 2010
  • e.g.: List movies with or without local trailers
  • e.g.: List movies with more than one or exactly one audio stream


$ gem install elch_scan


First generate a sample configuration by running

$ elch_scan --generate-config

You will need to specify at least one directory with movies in it. You might want to change other settings as well.

To get a basic list of what you've got run

$ elch_scan -q


To get a list of available options run

$ elch_scan --help

Usage: elch_scan [options]
        --generate-config            Generate sample configuration file in ~/.elch_scan.yml
    -h, --help                       Shows this help
    -v, --version                    Shows version and other info
    -f, --formatter HTML             Use formatter
    -o, --output FILENAME            Write formatted results to file
    -e, --edit SELECT_SCRIPT         Edit selector script
    -s, --select [WITH_SUBS,NO_NFO]  Filter movies with saved selector scripts
    -p, --permute                    Open editor to write permutation code for collection
    -q, --quiet                      Don't ask to filter or save results
    -c, --console                    Start console to play around with the collection

If you choose to create a script or filter on the fly you will find some more examples on this topic.


You can easily filter your movies with Ruby. It's not hard, just look at these examples.

# Filter by name, for regex see http://rubular.com
collection.select! {|name, movie| movie.name =~ /simpsons/i }

# Rating > 5
collection.select! {|name, movie| movie.nfo!{|n| n["rating"].first.to_f > 5 } }

# 720p or higher
collection.select! { |name, movie| movie.source.width >= 1280 }

# With actor
collection.select! do |name, movie|
  movie.nfo! {|n| n["actor"].map {|actor| actor["name"].first }.include?("Jim Carrey") }

Note: Use binding.pry to start an interactive console so you can easily check out which attributes are available.

Custom formatters

To add a custom formatter just add the ruby file to your config (you can omit the .rb):

    - "~/.elch_scan/my_custom_formatter.rb"

To write a custom formatter look at the existing ones. You can take this as template:

module ElchScan
  module Formatter
    class MyFormatter < Base

      def format(results)
        [].tap do |lines|
          # render your output and append it to lines
          lines << "I have #{results.count} results here..."
          binding.pry # Interactive console will start here!


You can then use your formatter by passing -f MyFormatter, it's case sensitive!


  • [ ] Add HTML formatter
  • [ ] Add support for TV shows


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com/2called-chaos/elch_scan/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request