Elastirad: A RAD Client for Elasticsearch


Elastirad is a custom Rapid Application Development (RAD) client for Elasticsearch's Elasticsearch::API that provides a simple interface for making Elasticsearch requests based on Elasticsearch's online documentation.

The primary goal for Elastirad is to enable use of the Elasticsearch online curl-based documentation alone without needing to understand the syntax for the Ruby SDK.

Elastirad::Client embeds the Elasticsearch::API and thus supports Elasticsearch::API methods.


Download and install elastirad with the following:

gem install elastirad


require 'elastirad'

# Defaults to http://localhost:9200

rad = Elastirad::Client.new

# All of the following arguments are optional
# Setting :index will enable request code to not include the index
# for greater flexibility when switching between deployments, e.g.
# dev, staging, production, etc.

rad = Elastirad::Client.new( \
  :protocol => 'https',
  :hostname => 'localhost',
  :port     => 9200,
  :index    => 'articles'

# path can be a simple string. Leading slash will over ride default :index

result_hash = rad.rad_request({ :path => '/articles/_count' })

# path can also be an array

result_hash = rad.rad_request({ :path => ['/articles/article', 1 ] })

# default index can be used without leading slash

result_hash = rad.rad_request({ :path => ['article', 1 ] })

# retreive all responses for :get requests only

result_hash = rad.rad_request_all({ :path => 'article/_search' })

# optional :verb can be used for non-GET requests, :get is used by default

article = { :title => 'Hello World', :by => 'John Doe' }

result_hash = rad.rad_request({ \
  :verb => 'put',
  :path => ['article', 1 ],
  :body => article

# :body can be a hash or JSON string

result_hash = rad.rad_request({ \
  :verb => 'put',
  :path => ['article', 1 ],
  :body => JSON.dump( article )

# :put verb can automatically be added using #rad_index method

result_has = rad.rad_index({ \
  :path => ['article', 1 ],
  :body => article

# Supports Elasticsearch::API methods

p rad.cluster.health
# --> GET _cluster/health {}
# => "{"cluster_name":"elasticsearch" ... }"


This gem is 100% documented with YARD, an exceptional documentation library. To see documentation for this, and all the gems installed on your system use:

$ gem install yard
$ yard server -g

Change Log

  • 2014-03-24: 0.0.3
    • Add Elastirad::Client::rad_request_all() method
    • Expose Elastirad::Client::sIndex as rw accessor
  • 2014-03-15: 0.0.2
    • Add documentation of Elasticsearch::API mixin functionality
    • Add CHANGELOG.md excerpt to README.md
    • Fix bug in #rad_index
    • Fix bug for YARD README.md formatting
  • 2014-03-14: 0.0.1
    • Initial release
    • Custom Elasticsearch::API mixin client


Elasticseach Reference Guide


Elasticsearch::API for Ruby


Copyright and License

Elastirad © 2014 by John Wang.

Elastirad is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE document for more information.


This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.