Elastictastic is an object-document mapper and lightweight API adapter for ElasticSearch. Elastictastic's primary use case is to define model classes which use ElasticSearch as a primary document-oriented data store, and to expose ElasticSearch's search functionality to query for those models.
Elastictastic requires Ruby 1.9 and ActiveSupport 3. Elastictastic does not require Rails, but if you do run Rails, Elastictastic will only work with Rails 3.
You will also need a running ElasticSearch instance (or cluster). For local development, you can easily download and install a copy, or your preferred package manager might have it available.
Just add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'elastictastic'
Defining models
Elastictastic's setup DSL will be familiar to those who have used other
Ruby object-document mappers such as Mongoid. Persisted
models mix in the Elastictastic::Document
module, and fields are defined with
the field
class macro:
class Post
include Elastictastic::Document
field :title
The field
method can take options; the options available here are simply those
that are available in a
field mapping
in ElasticSearch. Elastictastic is (mostly) agnostic to the options you pass in;
they're just used to generate the mapping for ElasticSearch.
By default, ElasticSearch assigns fields a string
type. An example of how one
might define a field with some options:
class Post
include Elastictastic::Document
field :comments_count, :type => :integer, :store => 'yes'
ElasticSearch allows you to define
which index the same data in multiple ways. To define a multi-field in
Elastictastic, you may pass a block to the field
macro, in which the alternate
fields are defined using the same DSL:
field :title, :type => 'string', :index => 'analyzed' do
field :unanalyzed, :type => 'string', :index => 'not_analyzed'
The arguments passed to the outer field
method are used for the default field
mapping; thus, the above is the same as the following:
field :title,
:type => 'multi_field',
:fields => {
:title => { :type => 'string', :index => 'analyzed' },
:unanalyzed => { :type => 'string', :index => 'not_analyzed' }
Document Boost
Defining a
document boost
will increase or decrease a document's score in search results based on the
value of a field in the document. A boost of 1.0 is neutral. To define a boost
field, use the boost
class macro:
class Post
include Elastictastic::Document
field :score, :type => 'integer'
boost :score
By default, if the boost field is empty, a score of 1.0 will be applied. You can
override this by passing a 'null_value'
option into the boost method.
Embedded objects
ElasticSearch supports deep nesting of properties by way of
object fields.
To define embedded objects in your Elastictastic models, use the embed
class Post
include Elastictastic::Document
:recent_comments, :class_name => 'Comment'
The class that's embedded should include the Elastictastic::NestedDocument
which exposes the same configuration DSL as Elastictastic::Document
but does
not give the class the functionality of a top-level persistent object:
class Author
include Elastictastic::NestedDocument
field :name
field :email, :index => 'not_analyzed'
Parent-child relationships
You may define
parent-child relationships
for your documents using the has_many
and belongs_to
class Blog
include Elastictastic::Document
has_many :posts
class Post
include Elastictastic::Document
belongs_to :blog
Unlike in, say, ActiveRecord, an Elastictastic document can only specify one
parent (belongs_to
) relationship. A document can have as many children
) as you would like.
The parent/child relationship has far-reaching consequences in ElasticSearch, and as such you will generally interact with child documents via the parent's association collection. For instance, this is the standard way to create a new child instance:
post = blog.posts.new
The above will return a new Post object whose parent is the blog
; the
collection will retain a reference to the transient post
instance, and will auto-save it when the blog
is saved.
You may also create a child instance independently and then add it to a parent's child collection; however, you must do so before saving the child instance, as ElasticSeach requires types that define parents to have a parent. The following code block has the same outcome as the previous one:
post = Post.new
blog.posts << post
In most other respects, the blog.posts
collection behaves the same as a
search scope (more on that below), except that enumeration methods (#each
, etc.) will return unsaved child instances along with instances
persisted in ElasticSearch.
Syncing your mapping
Before you start creating documents with Elastictastic, you need to make
ElasticSearch aware of your document structure. To do this, use the
If you have a complex multi-index topology, you may want to consider using
ElasticSearch templates
to manage mappings and other index settings; Elastictastic doesn't provide any
explicit support for this at the moment, although you can use e.g.
to retrieve the mapping structure which you can then merge into
your template.
Reserved attributes
All Elastictastic::Document
models have an id
and an index
field, which
combine to define the full resource locator for the document in ElasticSearch.
You should not define fields or methods with these names. You may, however, set
the id explicitly on new (not yet saved) model instances.
Elastictastic documents include all the usual ActiveModel functionality:
validations, lifecycle hooks, observers, dirty-tracking, mass-assignment
security, and the like. If you would like to squeeze a bit of extra performance
out of the library at the cost of convenience, you can include the
module instead of Elastictastic::Document
Elastictastic models are persisted the usual way, namely by calling save
post = Post.new
post.title = 'You know, for search.'
To retrieve a document from the data store, use find
You can look up multiple documents by ID:
Post.find('123', '456')
You can also pass an array of IDs; the following will return a one-element array:
For child documents, you must perform GET requests using the parent's association collection:
post = blog.posts.new
blog.posts.find(post.id) # this will return the post
Post.find(post.id) # but this won't!
Specifying the index
Elastictastic defines a default index for your documents. If you're using Rails,
the default index is your application's name suffixed with the current
environment; outside of Rails, the default index is simply "default". You can
change this using the default_index
configuration key.
When you want to work with documents in an index other than the default, use
the in_index
class method:
new_post = Post.in_index('my_special_index').new # create in an index
post = Post.in_index('my_special_index').find('123') # retrieve from an index
To retrieve documents from multiple indices at the same time, pass a hash into
where the keys are index names and the values are the IDs you wish to
retrieve from that index:
Post.find('default' => ['123', '456'], 'my_special_index' => '789')
Bulk operations
If you are writing a large amount of data to ElasticSearch in a single process,
use of the
bulk API
is encouraged. To perform bulk operations using Elastictastic, simply wrap your
operations in a bulk
Elastictastic.bulk do
params[:posts].each do |post_params|
post = Post.new(post_params)
All create, update, and destroy operations inside the block will be executed in
a single bulk request when the block completes. If you are performing an
indefinite number of operations in a bulk block, you can pass an :auto_flush
option to flush the bulk buffer after the specified number of operations:
Elastictastic.bulk(:auto_flush => 100) do
150.times { Post.new.save! }
The above will perform two bulk requests: the first after the first 100 operations, and the second when the block completes.
Note that the nature of bulk writes means that any operation inside a bulk block
is essentially asynchronous: instances are not created, updated, or destroyed
immediately upon calling save
or destroy
, but rather when the bulk block
exits. You may pass a block to save
and destroy
to provide a callback for
when the instance is actually persisted and its local state updated. Let's say,
for instance, we wish to expand the example above to pass the IDs of the newly
created posts to our view layer:
@ids = []
Elastictastic.bulk do
params[:posts].each do |post_params|
post = Post.new(post_params)
post.save do |e|
@ids << post.id
If the save was not successful (due to a duplicate ID or a version mismatch,
for instance), the e
argument to the block will be passed an exception object;
if the save was successful, the argument will be nil.
Concurrent document creation
When Elastictastic creates a document with an application-defined ID, it uses
the _create
verb in ElasticSearch, ensuring that a document with that ID does
not already exist. If the document does already exist, an
will be
raised. In the case where multiple processes may attempt concurrent creation of
the same document, you can gracefully handle concurrent creation using the
class method on your document class. This will first
attempt to create the document; if a document with that ID already exists, it
will then load the document and modify it using the block passed:
Post.create_or_update('1') do |post|
post.title = 'My Post'
In the above case, Elastictastic will first attempt to create a new post with ID
"1" and title "My Post". If a Post with that ID already exists, it will load it,
set its title to "My Post", and save it. The update uses the ::update
(see next section) to ensure that concurrent modification doesn't cause data to
be lost.
Optimistic locking
Elastictastic provides optimistic locking via ElasticSearch's built-in
document versioning.
When a document is retrieved from persistence, it carries a version, which is a
number that increments from 1 on each update. When Elastictastic models are
updated, the document version that it carried when it was loaded is passed into
the update operation; if this version does not match ElasticSearch's current
version for that document, it indicates that another process has modified the
document concurrently, and an
is raised. This
prevents data loss through concurrent conflicting updates.
The easiest way to guard against concurrent modification is to use the
class method to make changes to existing documents. Consider the
following example:
Post.update('12345') do |post|
post.title = 'New Title'
In the above, the Post with ID '12345' is loaded from ElasticSearch and yielded to the block. When the block completes, the instance is saved back to ElasticSearch. If this save results in a version conflict, a new instance is loaded from ElasticSearch and the block is run again. The process repeats until a successful update.
This method will work inside a bulk operation, but note that if the first update generates a version conflict, additional updates will occur in discrete requests, not as part of any bulk operation.
If you wish to safely update documents retrieved from a search scope
(see below), use the update_each
Post.query { constant_score { filter { term(:blog_id => 1) }}}.update_each do |post|
post.title = post.title.upcase
ElasticSearch is, above all, a search tool. Accordingly, aside from direct lookup by ID, all retrieval of documents is done via the search API. Elastictastic models have class methods corresponding to the top-level keys in the ElasticSearch search API; you may chain these much as in ActiveRecord or Mongoid:
Post.query(:query_string => { :query => 'pizza' }).facets(:cuisine => { :term => { :field => :tags }}).from(10).size(10)
# Generates {"query": {"query_string": {"query": "pizza"}}, "facets": {"cuisine": {"term": {"field": "tags" }}}, "from": 10, "size": 10}
Elastictastic also has an alternate block-based query builder, if you prefer:
Post.query do
query_string { query('pizza') }
end.facets { cuisine { term { field :tags }}}.from(10).size(10)
# Same effect as the previous example
The scopes that are generated by the preceding calls act as collections of matching documents; thus all the usual Enumerable methods are available:
Post.query(:query_string => { :query => 'pizza' }).each do |post|
puts post.title
You may access other components of the response using hash-style access; this
will return a Hashie::Mash
which allows hash-style or object-style access:
Post.facets(:cuisine => { :term => { :field => :tags }})['facets'].each_pair do |name, facet|
facet.terms.each { |term| puts "#{term.term}: #{term.count}" }
You can also call count
on a scope; this will give the total number of
documents matching the query.
In some situations, you may wish to access metadata about search results beyond
simply the result document. To do this, use the #find_each
method, which
yields a Hashie::Mash
containing the raw ElasticSearch hit object in the
second argument:
Post.highlight { fields(:title => {}) }.find_each do |post, hit|
puts "Post #{post.id} matched the query string in the title field: #{hit.highlight['title']}"
Search scopes also expose a #find_in_batches
method, which also yields the raw
hit. The following code gives the same result as the previous example:
Post.highlight { fields(:title => {}) }.find_in_batches do |batch|
batch.each do |post, hit|
puts "Post #{post.id} matched the query string in the title field: #{hit.highlight['title']}"
Both find_each
and find_in_batches
accept a :batch_size
Support & Bugs
If you find a bug, feel free to open an issue on GitHub. Pull requests are most welcome.
For questions or feedback, hit up our mailing list at [email protected] or find outoftime on the #elasticsearch IRC channel on Freenode.
Elastictastic is distributed under the MIT license. See the attached LICENSE file for all the sordid details.