Elasticsearch query parser

Build Status Gem Version

  • I can search “London” and it will return everyone with “London”
  • And then a complex example could be a boolean search such as: ((('London' OR 'Paris') OR 'Madrid') AND 'Venture Capital') NOT VC

Hot to install

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "elasticsearch_query_parser"

And then execute:

$ bundle

How to use

require "elasticsearch_query_parser"

# => { query: { bool: { should: [{ match: { text: { query: "London", operator: "and" } } }] } } }

ElasticsearchQueryParser.parse_query("London Madrid")
  query: {
    bool: {
      should: [
        { match: { text: { query: "London", operator: "and" } } },
        { match: { text: { query: "Madrid", operator: "and" } } }

ElasticsearchQueryParser.parse_query("London OR Madrid")
  query: {
    bool: {
      should: [
        { match: { text: { query: "London", operator: "and" } } },
        { match: { text: { query: "Madrid", operator: "and" } } }

ElasticsearchQueryParser.parse_query("(London OR Madrid) AND Paris")
  query: {
    bool: {
      must: [
        { match: { text: { query: "Paris", operator: "and" } } },
          bool: {
              { match: { text: { query: "Madrid", operator: "and" } } },
              { match: { text: { query: "London", operator:"and" } } }

ElasticsearchQueryParser.parse_query("(((London OR Paris) OR Madrid) AND 'Venture Capital') NOT VC")
  query: {
    bool: {
      must: [
        { match: { text: { query: "Venture Capital", operator: "and" } } },
          bool: {
            should: [
              { match: { text: { query: "Madrid", operator: "and" } } },
                bool: {
                  should: [
                    { match: { text: { query: "Paris", operator: "and" }}},
                    { match: { text: { query: "London", operator: "and" } } }
      must_not:[{ match: { text: { query: "VC", operator: "and" } } }]

ElasticsearchQueryParser.parse_query("Paris AND (London OR Madrid)")
    bool: {
        { match: { text: { query: "Paris", operator: "and" } } },
          bool: {
              { match: { text: { query: "London", operator: "and" } } },
              { match: { text: { query: "Madrid", operator: "and" } } }

ElasticsearchQueryParser.parse_query("VC AND ('Venture Capital' AND (Madrid OR (Paris AND London)))")
  query: {
    bool: {
        { match: { text: { query: "VC", operator: "and" } } },
          bool: {
            must: [
              { match: { text: { query: "Venture Capital", operator: "and" } } },
                bool: {
                    { match: { text: { query: "Madrid", operator: "and" } } },
                      bool: {
                        must: [
                          { match: { text: { query: "Paris", operator: "and" } } },
                          { match: { text: { query: "London", operator: "and" } } }

ElasticsearchQueryParser.parse_query("((London OR Madrid) NOT VC) NOT 'Venture Capital'")
  query: {
    bool: {
      should: [
        { match: { text: { query: "Madrid", operator: "and" } } },
        { match: { text: { query: "London", operator: "and" } } }
      must_not: [
        { match: { text: { query: "VC", operator: "and" } } },
        { match: { text: { query: "Venture Capital", operator: "and" } } }

How to change Elastic field name

By default #parse_query generates elastic query with text attribute. You can customize field name via config:

ElasticsearchQueryParser.configure do |config|
  # elastic_field_name can accepts symbol or string
  config.elastic_field_name = "title"

# => { query: { bool: { should: [{ match: { "title": { query: "London", operator: "and" } } }] } } }