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Elasticfusion provides additional functionality on top of elasticsearch-rails.

It includes:

  • a keyword-based case-insensitive search engine supporting boolean expressions (conjunction, disjunction, negation) and field queries (range);
  • background jobs to carry out index updates.

It was written with a specific use case in mind and as such places a number of restrictions on the allowed use of Elasticsearch. For instance, partial updates are not supported, and _source field in general is encouraged to be disabled.


  • Rails 5
  • Elasticsearch 5


  1. Place your index definitions in app/indexes directory.

  2. Drop Elasticfusion.load_index_definitions in app/models/application_record.rb (or any autoloaded file, really).

  3. Add indexing queue to your Active Job backend.

Usage examples

Elasticfusion was written specifically for fanuniverse. Refer to it for real-world usage examples.


This gem was largely inspired by search handling in booru-on-rails (Derpibooru).