
ElasticLogger is a simple and elastic (;)) solusion for sending JSON logs to elasticsearch but not only there. It works based on writers. Each writer is used to send logs to diffrent destination. Gem is released with two writers one for ElasticSearch and one for standard log files. You can also create your own Writer and use it in config file.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'elastic-logger'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install elastic-logger

Usage Examples

There is a generator for Rails which will create base intialize and config files.

bundle exec rails generate elastic_logger
require 'elastic-logger'

# Configuration
ElasticLogger.configure do |config|
  config.host = ''
  types_file = 'config/elastic_log_config.yml'
  path = 'log'
  prefix = ''

Config file

With this file we create two logs, one which will log to elastic, and one to standard log file.

  writer: 'InfaktLogger::ElkWriter'
    type: 'standard' # never if you want to keep that log
    unit: 'days' # One of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years.
    unit_count: 2 # The number of unit (s). unit_count * unit will be calculated out to the relative number of seconds.
    type: 'standard' # infinite if you want to keep that log, never for no backups
    unit: 'days' # One of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years.
    unit_count: 2 # The number of unit (s). unit_count * unit will be calculated out to the relative number of seconds.
  writer: 'InfaktLogger::DiskWriter'


sidekiq_monitor is a name of log it will be used with prefix to build file name or index name in elastic.

logger = ElasticLogger::Logger.new('sidekiq_monitor')
logger.log(foo: :bar)



Creates daily index named after log name. For sidekiq_monitor it will creates sidekiq_monitr-%Y.%m.%d index each day, with sidekiq_monitor type and injects there hashes from user input. Next you can go to Kibana and search in it.


It is use by us mostly on devels, when we don't want to use elk for logs. Internally it use ruby Logger.

Custom Writer

You can create your own writer. It needs two mtethods:

  • initialize with name and config named params
  • log with one params with is hash to log.


# Capfile
require 'elastic-logger/capistrano'

Index in elasticsearch will be updated after deploy, with all used elk logs.


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