Effective Posts

A blog implementation with WYSIWYG content editing, post scheduling, pagination and optional top level routes for each post category.

Built ontop of effective_regions for post content entry and Kaminari for pagination.

Rails 3.2.x and 4.x

effective_posts 1.0

This is the 1.0 series of effective_posts.

This requires Twitter Bootstrap 4 and Rails 5.1+

Please check out Effective Posts 0.x for more information using this gem with Bootstrap 3.

Getting Started

Please first install the effective_regions and effective_datatables gems.

Please download and install Twitter Bootstrap4

Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'effective_posts'

Run the bundle command to install it:

bundle install

Then run the generator:

rails generate effective_posts:install

The generator will install an initializer which describes all configuration options and creates a database migration.

If you want to tweak the table name (to use something other than the default 'posts'), manually adjust both the configuration file and the migration now.

Then migrate the database:

rake db:migrate

Add the following helper to your application layout in the <head>..</head> section. This works alongside effective_pages to include some publisher meta tags.

= effective_posts_header_tags

There are no required javascript or stylesheet includes.


To create your first post, visit /admin/posts and click New Post.

If you've defined more than one category in the /app/config/initializers/effective_posts.rb initializer, you will be asked to assign this post a category. Otherwise the default category posts will be assigned.

You can schedule a post to appear at a later date by setting the published_at value to a future date.

As well, if you're using the effective_roles gem, you will be able to configure permissions so that only permitted users may view this post.

Once you click Save and Edit Content you will be brought into the effective_regions editor where you may enter the content for your post. Click Insert Snippet -> Read more divider from the toolbar to place a divider into your post. Only the content above the Read more divider, the excerpt content, will be displayed on any posts#index screens. The full content will be displayed on the posts#show screen.

Category Routes

If config.use_category_routes is enabled in the /app/config/initializers/effective_posts.rb initializer, each category you specify will automatically have a top level route. So posts created in the :blog category will be available at /blog and any posts made in that category will be available at /blog/1-my-post-title.

If disabled, all posts will be available at /posts, with posts for a specific category available at /posts?category=blog and the show routes will be /posts/1-my-post-title regardless of category.


Use link_to_post_category(:blog) to display a link to the Blog page. The helper considers config.use_category_routes and puts in the correct url.

Use post_excerpt(post) to display the excerpt for a post. Or post_excerpt(post, :length => 200) to truncate it and add a Read more link where appropriate.


The kaminari gem is used for pagination on all posts#index type screens.

The per_page for posts may be configured via the /app/config/initializers/effective_posts.rb initializer.

Included within this gem is the bootstrap3 theme for kaminari, but, as with any gem, your app-specific kaminari views will take priority over these included views.


All authorization checks are handled via the config.authorization_method found in the app/config/initializers/effective_posts.rb file.

It is intended for flow through to CanCan or Pundit, but neither of those gems are required.

This method is called by all controller actions with the appropriate action and resource

Action will be one of [:index, :show, :new, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy]

Resource will the appropriate Effective::Post object or class

The authorization method is defined in the initializer file:

# As a Proc (with CanCan)
config.authorization_method = Proc.new { |controller, action, resource| authorize!(action, resource) }
# As a Custom Method
config.authorization_method = :my_authorization_method

and then in your application_controller.rb:

def my_authorization_method(action, resource)
  current_user.is?(:admin) || EffectivePunditPolicy.new(current_user, resource).send('#{action}?')

or disabled entirely:

config.authorization_method = false

If the method or proc returns false (user is not authorized) an Effective::AccessDenied exception will be raised

You can rescue from this exception by adding the following to your application_controller.rb:

rescue_from Effective::AccessDenied do |exception|
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html { render 'static_pages/access_denied', :status => 403 }
    format.any { render :text => 'Access Denied', :status => 403 }


The permissions you actually want to define are as follows (using CanCan):

can [:index, :show], Effective::Post

if user.admin?
  can :manage, Effective::Post
  can :admin, :effective_pages

Future Plans

There are some obvious additional features that have yet to be implemented:

  • Tagging
  • Some kind of helper for displaying a sidebar for the categories
  • Post archives and date filtering


MIT License. Copyright Code and Effect Inc.


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  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Bonus points for test coverage
  6. Create new Pull Request