Effective Obfuscation

Display unique 10-digit numbers instead of ActiveRecord IDs. Hides the ID param so curious website visitors are unable to determine your user or order count.

Turn a URL like:


into something like:


Sequential ActiveRecord ids become non-sequential, random looking, numeric ids.

# user 7000
# user 7001
# user 7002

This is a Rails 4 compatible version of obfuscate_id (https://github.com/namick/obfuscate_id) which also adds totally automatic integration with Rails finder methods.

Getting Started

Add to Gemfile:

gem 'effective_obfuscation', :git => 'https://github.com/code-and-effect/effective_obfuscation.git'

Run the bundle command to install it:

bundle install



Add the mixin to an existing model:

class User

Thats it. Now URLs for a User will be generated as


As well, any find(), exists?(), find_by_id(), find_by(), where(:id => params[:id]) and all Arel table finder methods will be automatically translated to lookup the proper underlying ID.

You shouldn't require any changes to your view or controller code. Just Works with InherittedResources and ActiveAdmin.


Because of the underlying ScatterSwap algorithm, the obfuscated IDs must be exactly 10 digits in length.

However, if you'd like to add some formatting to make the 10-digit number more human readable and over-the-phone friendly

class User
  acts_as_obfuscated :format => '###-####-###'

will generate URLs that look like


Any String.parameterize-able characters will work as long as there are exactly 10 # (hash symbol) characters in the format string somewhere.

ScatterSwap Spin

The Spin value is basically a salt used by the ScatterSwap algorithm to randomize integers.

In this gem, the default spin value is set on a per-model basis.

There is really no reason to change it; however, you can specify the spin value directly if you wish

class User
  acts_as_obfuscated :spin => 123456789

General Obfuscation

So maybe you just want access to the underlying ScatterSwap obfuscation algorithm including the additional model-specific formatting.

To obfuscate, pass any number as a string, or an integer

User.obfuscate(43)         # Using acts_as_obfuscated :format => '###-####-###'
  => "990-5826-174"

And to de-obfuscate, pass any number as a string or an integer

  => 43

  => 43

Searching by the Real (Database) ID

By default, all finder method except find() will work with both obfuscated and database IDs.

This means,

User.where(:id => "990-5826-174")
  => User<id: 43>

returns the same User as

User.where(:id => 43)
  => User<id: 43>

This behaviour is not applied to find() because it would allow a user to visit:

http://example.com/users/1 http://example.com/users/2 ...etc...

and enumerate all users.

Please continue to use @user = User.find(params[:id]) in your controller to prevent route enumeration.

Any other internally used finder methods, where and find_by_id should respond to both obfuscated and database IDs for maximum compatibility.


MIT License. Copyright Code and Effect Inc.


This project was inspired by

ObfuscateID (https://github.com/namick/obfuscate_id)

and uses the same (simply genius!) underlying algorithm

ScatterSwap (https://github.com/namick/scatter_swap)


The test suite for this gem is unfortunately not yet complete.

Run tests by:

rake spec


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Bonus points for test coverage
  6. Create new Pull Request