
This project uses MIT-LICENSE.

It provides models that allow your client web application to cache descriptive metadata updates in a special database.


  1. Add the following to your application’s ‘Gemfile’:

source ‘sul-gems.stanford.edu’ # only if you don’t already have it gem ‘editstore’

  1. Install the gem

bundle install

  1. Add the migrations to your app

rake editstore:install:migrations

  1. Add development and test database connection stings to the ‘database.yml’ file in your app for development/test:

editstore_development: adapter: sqlite3 database: db/editstore_development.sqlite3 pool: 5 timeout: 5000

editstore_test: adapter: sqlite3 database: db/editstore_test.sqlite3 pool: 5 timeout: 5000

editstore_production: adapter: mysql2 database: # GET IT FROM FRIENDLY SYSADMIN IF YOU NEED IT FOR PRODUCTION

  1. Generate a migration to store your project specific name and fields in your own test/dev databases:

rails g migration editstore_myproject

  1. Edit your migration to add your project name and fields. Be sure to have the migration use the correct Editstore database

connection string as shown below. For servers (e.g. staging, production), these changes be done after your creating your template and running the rake editstore:update_editstore_config RAILS_ENV=environment task.

By default, migrations such as this should only run in development and test mode. By adding the “if Editstore.run_migrations?” qualifier, you will ensure you will not get the migrations except in development and test. The reason is that in staging and production the actual editstore database will already be properly configured when you setup the project and do not want these migrations run again on the production servers during deployment. However, since locally you are not running an actual correctly configured instance of the editstore system, these migrations give you enough information to make the app work in development.

An example of this migration you need to add is shown below:

def up if Editstore.run_migrations?



  1. Run the migrations

rake db:migrate


  1. Optional

    If you define the constant “EDITSTORE_PROJECT” in your ruby/rails project as a string that matches a known project in the

editstore database , the gem will automatically associated all updates with your project. A good spot to set this constant in a Rails app is at the bottom of the ‘config/application.rb’ file, e.g.


  1. In the application, to apply an update to DOR, you just need to create a new “Editstore::Change” object and save it.

If your application needs to update a local SOLR or MySQL, you will need to do this yourself. This object just saves the changes to the editstore database for later propagation to DOR using a project specific template.

The properties you need to set are:

old_value : for an update or delete operation, this specifies the current value and is required new_value : for an update or create operation, this species the new value and is required operation : set to a symbol with one of three possible values of :update, :delete or :create project_id : set to the project_id of the editstore project, this is set automatically if you followed step 1 above state : set to Editstore::State.ready OR Editstore::State.wait setting to the ‘ready’ state means the change can be propagated to DOR immediately setting to the ‘wait’ state means you do NOT want the change to be propagated to DOR immediately – if you set to ‘wait’, you will need to keep track of the change yourself (probably using the object ID once it is saved) so you can come and update the state later to ‘ready’ when you want the change propagated. This might happen if you have curated changes

field       : a valid field name defined in your project template and listed in the 'fields' table of the editstore database for your project

druid : the druid of the object you want to update (can include or not include the ‘druid:’ prefix) client_note : an optional note you can set for your application purposes only

Some examples are below:

a. Add a new value: add=Editstore::Change.new add.new_value=‘new value’ add.operation=:create add.state=Editstore::State.ready #add.project_id=1 # you can leave this off if you set the EDITSTORE_PROJECT constant as describe above add.field=‘title’ add.druid=‘druid:oo000oo0001’ add.client_note=‘some note’ add.save b. Change an existing value:

change=Editstore::Change.new change.new_value=‘new value’ change.old_value=‘previous value’ change.operation=:update change.state=Editstore::State.ready #change.project_id=1 # you can leave this off if you set the EDITSTORE_PROJECT constant as describe above change.field=‘title’ change.druid=‘druid:oo000oo0001’ change.client_note=‘some note’ change.save c. Delete an existing value (useful to delete just value in a multivalued field):

delete=Editstore::Change.new delete.old_value=‘value to delete’ delete.operation=:delete delete.state=Editstore::State.ready #delete.project_id=1 # you can leave this off if you set the EDITSTORE_PROJECT constant as describe above delete.field=‘title’ delete.druid=‘druid:oo000oo0001’ delete.client_note=‘some note’ delete.save

d. Delete all existing values (can be used for either a single valued field or can be used to delete all values in a multivalued field): # just leave off the ‘old_value’ attribute to delete any values associated with this field delete=Editstore::Change.new delete.operation=:delete delete.state=Editstore::State.ready #delete.project_id=1 # you can leave this off if you set the EDITSTORE_PROJECT constant as describe above delete.field=‘title’ delete.druid=‘druid:oo000oo0001’ delete.client_note=‘some note’ delete.save

Useful Cleanup Tasks

When running in development mode, you will get a lot of unprocessed changes building up in the development editstore database (since you won’t have the back-end system processing them and cleaning them out). To clean out entries from the editstore database:

rake editstore:remove_pending In production, you can also use this task to clean out any rows that have been marked as completed:

rake editstore:remove_complete Use this task to clear out the unlocked druids from the object lock table. Should be safe to run at any time.

rake editstore:prune_locks # prune any unlocked druids older than 1 month
rake editstore:prune_locks_all   # prune all unlocked druids

Use this task to clear out the locked druids from the object lock table. Should only be run if you are sure locks have hung and there are no other processes running.

rake editstore:clear_locks

Use this task to clear out the any log run entries older than one month. Should be safe to run at any time if you don’t need more than 1 month of run log history

rake editstore:prune_run_log # prune any run logs older than 1 month and any run logs older than 24 hours with no activity
rake editstore:prune_run_log_all # prune any run logs that are not in process

Running Tests

There is a “dummy” rails app in “spec/dummy” that is used for testing. To run the tests, run the migrations and then run the standard rspec tests:

cd ./spec/dummy && rake editstore:install:migrations && rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test && cd ../.. bundle exec rspec