EditableComponents for Rails

A Ruby on Rails plugin to manage UI components editable from the front-end.

NOTE: this is an ALPHA version, major changes could happens.


  • attach the necessary data to a model transparently

  • edit the UI contents directly from the pages

  • simplify the components development in views



  1. Add to the Gemfile: gem 'editable_components'

  2. Copy migrations (Rails 5.x syntax, in Rails 4.x use rake): rails editable_components:install:migrations

  3. Apply them: rake db:migrate

  4. Include the concern Editable to your model: include EditableComponents::Concerns::Editable

  5. Add to your application layout (in head, ex. using ERB): <%= stylesheet_link_tag( EditableComponents::Engine.css ) if EditableComponents::Engine.css %>

  6. Add to your application layout (before body closing): <%= javascript_include_tag( EditableComponents::Engine.js ) if EditableComponents::Engine.js %>

  7. Add your blocks to the views (ex. in show):

    <%= render layout: 'editable_components/blocks', locals: { container: @page } do |blocks| %>
    <% blocks.each do |block| %>
    <%= render partial: "editable_components/block", locals: { block: block } %>
    <% end %>
    <% end %>
  8. Add some sample data (ex. Page model): Page.first.create_block :text


To add support for images add CarrierWave gem to your Gemfile and execute: rails generate uploader File


  • This is not a complete replacement for an admin interface but it could improve the usability of a CMS software or content editor

Dev Notes

  • Including the Editable concern to a model will add has_many :ec_blocks relationship (the list of blocks attached to a container) and some utility methods

  • Block: an editable UI component (ex. a text with a title, a slider, a 3 column text widgets, etc.); built with a list of sub blocks (for nested components) and a list of items

  • Item: a single piece of information (ex. a string, a text, a boolean, an integer, a file, etc.)

  • The live editing interface uses VueJS
