Welcome to Edge Framework

Edge is a light-weight responsive SASS framework. It is built for developers that are working with dedicated designer. Edge offers non-intrusive and easily overriden style.

It is based on Foundation by ZURB.

Edge is MIT-licensed and absolutely free to use.


We distribute Edge using Rubygems, just type in the following commands on your terminal:

gem install edge_framework

Windows PC doesn't come with Ruby pre-installed, so you can follow this Ruby installation guide we wrote. After you installed Ruby, type in the command above on cmd (command prompt).

We assume that you know how to use Sass and Compass. If not, you can find a lot of decent tutorial on YouTube or other site.

Template Generator

Edge can generate basic template for your project. Open cmd or terminal in your project directory and type in one of these commands:

  1. Standard HTML

    edge create html <project_name>

  2. Standard PHP

    edge create php <project_name>

  3. Wordpress

    edge create wordpress <project_name>

  4. Coming soon: Rails, Sinatra, Django, Flask