
A set of valuable helper to make writing ChefSpecs even more easier.


  • You can define matchers for your LWRP and HWRP by using DSL based file in your specs directory.

    • By default it looks in spec/matchers.rb, spec/matchers/*.rb, spec/library/matchers.rb, spec/library/matchers/*.rb
    • Example of the file DSL
      matcher :resource_name, :action
      matcher :resource_name, [:delete, :create]
      runner :resource_name
    • It automatically includes matchers from other recipes, that contain such a Ruby file
  • By default it mocks any inclusion of recipes, except described one. You can specify additional one by calling allow_recipe in spec DSL.

  • Allows to supply additional cookbook directory for your specs. Just add in spec_helper.rb file the following code

It will automatically include the following paths for cookbook search:

* Berkshelf or Librarian path if any of those was included before
* `path/to/your/test/cookbooks`
* `another/path/to/your/test/cookbooks`  
  • Allows to create platform based test cases by calling platform(*filters) method. Platform file is a json of such a structure:
       "os": {
           "ubuntu": ["10.04", "12.04", "13.10", "14.04"],
           "debian": ["6.0.5", "7.2", "7.4"],
           "freebsd": "9.2",
           "centos": ["5.8","6.4", "6.5"],
           "redhat": ["5.6", "6.3", "6.4"],
           "fedora": ["18", "19", "20"]
       "family": {
           "debian": ["ubuntu", "debian"],
           "rhel": ["redhat", "centos"],
           "fedora": ["fedora"],
           "freebsd": ["freebsd"]
By default this file is read from such location spec/platform.json. You can override it by specifying `EcomDev::ChefSpec::Helpers::Platform.platform_path='path/to/dir'` and `EcomDev::ChefSpec::Helpers::Platform.platform_file='file.json'` or directly by calling `platform_load(file, path)` in your test case body

When calling `platform` method you can pass a ruby block, so it will iterate over specified platforms:

platform(:debian, :ubuntu) do |os, version|
  context 'In scope of ' + os + ' ' + version do
     it 'does crazy thing' do
         # .. you test code

 it will produce the following output:

In scope of ubuntu 14.04
   does crazy things
In scope of debian 7.4
   does crazy things

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ecomdev-chefspec'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install ecomdev-chefspec


Inside of your specs helper you should include this library after chefspec

require 'ecomdev/chefspec'

Please note, that you should include it in the end, after all the chef spec files are included. E.g. if you use bershelf loader for your cookbooks, you should include ecomdev/chefspec after you've included chefspec/berkshelf


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request