ECM User Area


Add it to your Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem 'ecm_user_area2'


rails g ecm:user_area:install

Add Migrations and migrate:

rake ecm_user_area:install:migrations && rake db:migrate

Optionally, create a default user ([email protected]/password):

rake ecm:user_area:create_default_user

Add routes:

# config/routes.rb
mount Ecm::UserArea::Engine, at: '/auth'

Add current_user helpers to your application controller:

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
include Controller::RedirectBackConcern
include Controller::CurrentUserConcern


to secure a controller, add following before_action:

# app/controllers/my_secure_controller.rb
before_action :authenticate_user!

When you visit any controller actions, you will be redirected to the sign in form.

Adding helper methods

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
include Controller::CurrentUserConcern

This gives you #current_user_session, #current_user, user_signed_in?

Using the navigation helper

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
helper Ecm::UserAreaHelper

Running Specs

gem install bundler
cd spec/dummy && rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test && cd ../..

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.