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Eaternet Health Score Adapters

We're bringing the world's restaurant health inspections online, into as many sites and apps as possible.

Use this repo to publish your local restaurant health scores.

In a nutshell: each agency which inspects restaurants can have an "adapter" which is a Ruby class. Its adapter converts its source format into a simple, standard one. Anybody can then use these adapters to get the data and do analysis and work with it how they like. Eaternet, in particular, will use the production-ready adapters to pull and publish the information daily on our website and in feeds to partner organizations.

Available Adapters

Area Agency Ruby Class Notes
Las Vegas Southern Nevada Health District Snhd Completed
New York City City of New York Health Dept. Nyc Completed, Dataset wiki page
Porland, OR, USA Multnomah Couty Environmental Health Multco Live on website, Open source WIP


Example: print all the restaurant names in New York City.

require 'eaternet'

nyc =
nyc.businesses.each { |biz| puts }

Each adapter provides a small set of enumerators such as businesses and inspections. See the Las Vegas tests to learn how an application would use this gem. The framework also includes standardized data transfer objects which these enumerators return.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'eaternet'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install eaternet


See the eaternet/adapters repo for the project roadmap.


Write an adapter for your city's restaurant health scores. Or do a small refactor or add documentation. We're happy to get the help.

To add your local health scores, you just need to create a class which include's AbstractAdapter. We like good tests, as well. Submit a pull requests to start a conversation, and we'll work with you.

Once a new adapter is production-ready, we'll plug it into the Eaternet system, and your adapter will be put into daily production. We're working with several organizations to publish the information. Yelp was the first to work with us, and we have new partnerships in the works which we'll announce soon.