
Easywins probing somewebsite.com

Easywins is a simple security tool that can probe a web server for common paths that can be used for gathering information or for gaining a foothold on the system.

The list of paths is taken from @mubix's crowd-sourced list of common easy win paths: https://github.com/pwnwiki/webappurls


$ gem install easywins


Usage: easywins [options] base_url

Probe a web server for common files and endpoints that are useful for gathering information or gaining a foothold.


    -h, --help                       Show command line help
    -g, --get                        Use GET requests instead of HEAD (slower but stealthier)
    -s, --sleep                      Sleep between 0 and 10 seconds before each request
    -x, --spoof                      Spoof X-Forwarded-For header with random IP addresses
        --timeout SECONDS            Request timeout in seconds
                                     (default: 2.5)
    -r, --retries RETRIES            Number of retries on failed requests
                                     (default: 3)
    -t, --threads THREADS            Number of threads to use
                                     (default: 3)
        --no-verify                  Don't do SSL verification
        --no-redirect-check          Don't check if server redirects
        --no-404-check               Don't check if server responds with 404
        --no-color                   Don't colorize output
        --version                    Show help/version info


$ easywins --sleep --spoof --threads 5 http://somewebsite.com


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/michenriksen/easywins/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request