
With this gem you can integrate the WebCheckout of PayU Latam with simple steps.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'easy_pay_u_latam'

We strongly recommend using Devise gem, this gem use current_user and some other devise methods for fetching user payments.

gem 'devise'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Then run

$ rails easy_pay_u_latam:install:migrations

If you want to reference the payments to a user, you can run the following migration.

$ rails g migration AddUserReferencesToEasyPayULatamPayuPayments user:references

Only run this when recurrent payments are ON, save the customer_id and default_credit_card for each user, you must run the following migration.

$ rails g migration AddPayUFieldsToUsers payu_default_card:string payu_customer_id:string

Only run this when recurrent payments are ON, extra fields for recurrent payments on payments table, you must run the following migration.

$ rails g migration AddRecurrentPaymentsToEasyPayULatamPayuPayments payu_plan_id:string payu_plan_code:string payu_customer_id:string payu_subscription_id:string trial_days:integer payu_credit_card_token:string  additional_charges_data:string

If you want to keep a reference to plans, before this you must have created a plan model on your project, you can run the following migration (User only when recurrent payments are ON).

$ rails g migration AddPlanReferencesToPlan payu_plan_id:string payu_plan_code:string

Don't forget to mount Engine in your routes.rb

# config/routes.rb
mount EasyPayULatam::Engine, at: "/easy_pay_u_latam"

And precompile the engine assets (PayU logos).

# config/initializers/assets.rb
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( easy_pay_u_latam/* )


First create a easy_pay_u_latam.rb in your config/initializers

# config/initializers/easy_pay_u_latam.rb
EasyPayULatam.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = "YOUR PAY U LATAM API KEY"
  config. = "YOUR PAY U ACCOUNT ID"
  config.merchant_id = "YOUR PAY U MERCHANT ID"
  config.root_url = "ROOT URL FOR PRODUCTION"
  #Pay U will consume a Web Service and it can not be in localhost, you most use something like ngrok
  config.test_root_url = "ROOT URL FOR TESTING"
  config.currency_precision = 2 #By default is 0 for colombian peso
  config.testing = true #Set false in production

# This keys are different, the recursive API use other keys
EasyPayULatam::RApi.configure do |config|
  config.  = 'YOUR KEY'
  config.api_key    = 'YOUR KEY'
  config. = 'YOUR PAY U ACCOUNT ID'
  config.sandbox    = true #Set false in production
  config.api_version    = "v4.3"

You can tell the engine which layout to use by overriding the application_controller

# app/controllers/easy_pay_u_latam/application_controller.rb
module EasyPayULatam
  class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
    protect_from_forgery with: :exception
    layout "app/layouts/application"

You should override the engine application_mailer so it can send success and error emails after PayU confirmation.

# app/mailers/easy_pay_u_latam/application_mailer.rb
module EasyPayULatam
  class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
    # You can also tell the engine which mailer layout to use
    layout 'easy_pay_u_latam/mailer'
    default from: 'Placeholder <[email protected]>'

Finally create some method on any of you controllers that create the instance and data base record of the PayUPayment, you must especify amount, currency and description, period. The fields start_date, and end_date are optionals if you are using this gem for subscriptions like payments.

This is the method your should link with an anchor or button, it will automatically redirect to the web checkout view you need before redirecting to PayU.

@payu_payment = EasyPayULatam::PayuPayment.create(
            amount: amount,
            currency: "COP",
            period: params[:period],
            user_id: current_user.id,
            description: "Your description here...",
            start_date: Date.today,
            end_date: end_date

        redirect_to "/easy_pay_u_latam/pay_u_payments/#{@payu_payment.id}/edit?user_id=#{current_user.id}"


This gem is stable but it have a lot of room for improvement, is my first gem so a lot of thing could be better, feel free to help and share.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.