
A simple captcha implementation for rails 3 based on rmagick


To install easy_captcha

gem install easy_captcha

Add following line to routes.rb

get :captcha => EasyCaptcha::Controller

Add following line to application_controller.rb

after_filter lambda { session.delete(:captcha) }

The last filter is a critical security measurement! Every request after displaying the captcha-image must prevent this filter from being executed.


You can write this in “config/initializers/easy_captcha.rb”, if you want to customize the default configuration

EasyCaptcha.setup do |config|

  # Cache
  # config.cache = true
  # Cache temp dir
  # config.temp_dir = Rails.root + 'tmp' + 'captchas'
  # Cache size
  # config.cache_size = 500
  # Cache expire
  # config.cache_expire = 1.days

  # Chars
  # config.chars = %w(2 3 4 5 6 7 9 A C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U X Y Z)
  # Length
  # config.length = 6
  # Font
  # config.font_size = 24
  # config.font_fill_color = '#333333'
  # config.font_stroke_color = '#000000'
  # config.font_stroke = 0
  # config.font_family = File.expand_path('../../resources/afont.ttf', __FILE__)

  # Image
  #config.image_height = 40
  #config.image_width = 140
  #config.image_background_color = "#FFFFFF"

  # Wave
  # config.wave = true
  # config.wave_length = (60..100)
  # config.wave_amplitude = (3..5)

  # Sketch
  # config.sketch = true
  # config.sketch_radius = 3
  # config.sketch_sigma = 1

  # Implode
  # config.implode = 0.1

  # Blur
  # config.blur = true
  # config.blur_radius = 1
  # config.blur_sigma = 2


<% form_tag '/' do %>
  <% if request.post? %>
    <p><%= valid_captcha?(params[:captcha]) ? 'valid' : 'invalid' %> captcha</p>
  <% end %>
  <p><%= captcha_tag %></p>
  <p><%= text_field_tag :captcha %></p>
  <p><%= submit_tag 'Validate' %></p>
<% end %>


You find an example app under: github.com/traxanos/easy_captcha_example


* 0.1 Init
* 0.2 Cache support for high frequented sites



Copyright © 2010 Marco Scholl, released under the MIT license