Dusty Rails Renderer

Dusty Rails Renderer was written to make it easy to render dust.js templates server side. Please refer to www.dustjs.com for documentation on using Dust.js. This gem requires Dust.js by LinkedIn


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dusty_rails_renderer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dusty_rails_renderer



$ rails generate dusty_rails_renderer:install

This will create an initializer for dusty_rails_renderer at 'config/initializers/dust_initializer.rb'.



$ DustyRailsRenderer.configure do |config|
$   config.dust_config_path = 'config/dust_initializer.yml'
$   config.dust_js_library_path = 'app/assets/javascripts/libraries/dust/dust-full.js'
$   config.dust_template_base_path = 'app/assets/javascripts/dust/'
$   config.production = false     
$   config.node_dust_compiler = false
$   config.logging = false
$   config.dust_compiler_command =  "dustc"
$ end

$ DustyRailsRenderer.initialize

By configuring the initializer you can update the location of your Dust templates and Dust.js library. For this gem to work property you must use the full Dust library that includes the compiler. Lastly, setting config.production = false will enable loading from disk and precompiling during request time. This feature is great for debugging and creating new templates but not for production. Setting config.production = true will precompile the templates once during the server initialization process and load the templates into memory. Setting config.node_dust_compiler = true will activate precompiling templates with dustc (dustjs-linkedin npm package).


Add reference to all your Dust.js templates in config.dust/initializer.yml. Templates names must be unique. file_path is the reference to your Dust.js templates inside the dust_template_base_path. For example using the default dusty_rails_renderer configuration 'common/header.dust' would be in 'app/assets/javascripts/dust/common/header.dust'


    file_path: common/header.dust
    name: common_header
    file_path: home/home.dust
    name: home

Lastly, to render Dust.js templates server side in your controllers, call

$   DustyRailsRenderer.render('{TEMPLATE_NAME_HERE}',"{JSON_HERE}"). 


$   render :text =>  DustyRailsRenderer.render('home',"{name: 'Louis'}") , :layout => "application"


To use your precompiled templates on the client-side you can pass the precompiled templates into javascript.

$   <script type="text/javascript">
$       var precompiled_templates = <%= raw DustyRailsRenderer.templates %>;
$   </script>

Include the dust.js(full library by LinkedIn) then register and render templates

$   <script type="text/javascript">
$       var Utils = {
$           load_templates: function() {
$               for(var key in precompile_templates) {
$                   dust.loadSource(precompile_templates[key], key);
$               }
$           } 
$           , render_template: function(template_name, json) { 
$               return (function() {
$                   var result = '';
$                   dust.render(template_name, json, function(err,out) {
$                       result = out;
$                   });
$                   return result;
$               })();
$           }
$       }
$       Utils.load_templates(precompiled_templates);
$       Utils.render_template('{TEMPLATE_NAME_HERE}',"{JSON_HERE}");
$   </script>

Who wrote Dusty Rails Renderer?

My name is Louis Ellis and I wrote Dust Rails Renderer in October 2015.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ellisapps/dusty_rails_renderer. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.