
Small Ruby program generated using https://github.com/snada/generator-ruby-cmd


This is a Ruby program and uses Bundler to ensure dependencies consistency. On your machine navigate to the project root and run:

# If not already installed:
gem install bundler

bundle install

This code is packaged as a Ruby gem, and it should be built and installed running these commands:

gem build durt.gemspec
gem install durt


First, you will want to initialize your issues database.

durt init

Make sure Upwork client (or pick time tracker) is running and in the correct project.

Then, create .durt.yml at your root folder. Example for Jira project:

# ~/.durt.yml

  :username: [email protected]
  :password: yourpassword
  :site: http://yourproject.atlassian.net:443/
  :context_path: ''
  :auth_type: :basic


If you followed the above instruction and the gem is installed on the system, you should have the binary file ready to run from your command line.

Start by choosing the issue statuses that you'll be able to choose from:

durt statuses

Next, pick an issue to work on:

durt memo

You will be asked to estimate the time it will take you to work on this issue. Valid inputs include: 29 minutes, 3 hours, 123249 sec 3 min, etc. As long as it includes a number and something that resembles a time measure it will not complain.

If you wish to execute without installing, you can by launching this command from the project root directory:

ruby -Ilib bin/durt memo

Other commands include:

durt start
durt stop
durt stats
durt stats-all
durt edit-estimate


This code is covered with both unit tests and feature tests, using Rspec (testing library classes) and Cucumber/Aruba (testing the actual command line program).

You can launch the test suite by running:

bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec rake features
#launch both:
bundle exec rake

For unit tests, a simple code coverage tool is provided, and you can see the results by opening the generated coverage folder.