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Ruby wrapper for the mysqldump executable


  • Ruby 1.9.3 or higher
  • mysqldump executable


gem 'dumptruck'

or install the gem manually

gem install dumptruck


The purpose of this gem is make mysqldump be as simple as possible. The mysqldump command can be pretty tricky and more than likely, if you're attempting a pretty elaborate dump, you'll have to run the command more than once. Thats what this gem attempts to automate. The gem will run multiple interations of mysqldump to an output file and directory you choose. To start, create a truck object:

truck = Dumptruck::Truck.new({
  username: "username",
  password: "password",
  host: "",              #localhost is default
  port: 3306,                     #default
  output_dir: "/tmp",             #where the dump files go
  filename: "output",             #default, can be changed
  mysqldump_bin: "/path/to/bin/"

You don't need to know or specify where the mysqldump executable is as long as it can be found in your environment PATH. Otherwise you can specify it in the params hash. If you don't specifiy it and an executable isn't found, an error will be raised.

Once you have the truck object created you can load it with your configuration.

  database: 'db', #required for now, raises an error if not set
  ignored_tables: ['table1','table2','table3'], # optional
  options: ['--single-transaction', '--quick'], # default values

Or you can create the load object independently and pass it to the truck.load method separately.

load = Dumptruck::Load.new({
  database: 'db',
  ignored_tables: ['table1','table2','table3'], # optional
  options: ['--single-transaction', '--quick']  # default values


You can add as many loads as needed in order to get the output file you want. When you have everything set just call truck.dump and it will run the mysqldump command and create a single gzipped output file. The truck.dump method returns a hash of the time (in seconds) it took to run and the output files location.

  time: 8.0992,
  file: #<File:/Users/drew.delianides/Desktop/output_01-01-02-1534.sql.gz>


Please do. This is my first 'real' gem and probably could use some refactoring. So any help is appreciated.