
NOTE: dummy_log_generator was renamed to dummer

Dummer is a set of tools to generate dummy log data for Fluentd benchmark.

This gem includes three executable commands

  1. dummer
  2. dummer_simple
  3. dummer_yes


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dummer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dummer

Run as

$ dummer -c dummer.conf
$ dummer_simple [options]
$ dummer_yes [options]


dummer allows you to

  1. specify a rate of generating messages per second,
  2. determine a log format, and
  3. generate logs randomly

Usage (1) - Write to a file

Create a configuration file. A sample configuration is as follows:

# dummer.conf
configure 'sample' do
  output "dummy.log"
  rate 500
  delimiter "\t"
  labeled true
  field :id, type: :integer, countup: true, format: "%04d"
  field :time, type: :datetime, format: "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]", random: false
  field :level, type: :string, any: %w[DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR]
  field :method, type: :string, any: %w[GET POST PUT]
  field :uri, type: :string, any: %w[/api/v1/people /api/v1/textdata /api/v1/messages]
  field :reqtime, type: :float, range: 0.1..5.0
  field :foobar, type: :string, length: 8


$ dummer -c dummer.conf

Outputs to the dummy.log (specified by output parameter) file like:

id:0422  time:[2013-11-19 02:34:58]  level:INFO  method:POST uri:/api/v1/textdata  reqtime:3.9726677258569842  foobar:LFK6XV1N
id:0423  time:[2013-11-19 02:34:58]  level:DEBUG method:GET  uri:/api/v1/people    reqtime:0.49912949125272277 foobar:DcOYrONH
id:0424  time:[2013-11-19 02:34:58]  level:WARN  method:POST uri:/api/v1/textdata  reqtime:2.930590441869852   foobar:XEZ5bQsh

Usage (2) - Post to Fluentd process


Create a configuration file. Assume that a fluentd process is running on localhost:20000. A sample configuration is as follows:

# dummer.conf
configure 'sample' do
  host "localhost" # define `host` and `port` instead of `output`
  port 20000
  rate 500
  tag type: string, any: %w[raw.syslog raw.message raw.nginx] # configure tag
  field :id, type: :integer, countup: true, format: "%04d"
  field :level, type: :string, any: %w[DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR]
  field :method, type: :string, any: %w[GET POST PUT]
  field :uri, type: :string, any: %w[/api/v1/people /api/v1/textdata /api/v1/messages]
  field :reqtime, type: :float, range: 0.1..5.0
  field :foobar, type: :string, length: 8


$ dummer -c dummer.conf

Data is posted to fluentd process like (below is the fluentd log generated by out_stdout)

2014-01-31 00:55:32 +0900 raw.message: {"id":"1377","level":"INFO","method":"POST","uri":"/api/v1/people","reqtime":1.678867810409548,"foobar":"paOIWxhQ"}
2014-01-31 00:55:32 +0900 raw.syslog: {"id":"1378","level":"INFO","method":"GET","uri":"/api/v1/people","reqtime":4.8412816521873445,"foobar":"kUvnC0MK"}
2014-01-31 00:55:32 +0900 raw.message: {"id":"1379","level":"WARN","method":"GET","uri":"/api/v1/people","reqtime":3.584494903998221,"foobar":"KD78mpjX"}

CLI Options

You can specify some configuration parameters on CLI without writing them on a configuration file.

$ dummer help start
  dummer start

  -c, [--config=CONFIG]            # Config file
                                   # Default: dummer.conf
  -r, [--rate=N]                   # Number of generating messages per second
  -o, [--output=OUTPUT]            # Output file
  -h, [--host=HOST]                # Host of fluentd process
  -p, [--port=N]                   # Port of fluentd process
  -m, [--message=MESSAGE]          # Output message
  -d, [--daemonize]                # Daemonize. Stop with `dummer stop`
  -w, [--workers=N]                # Number of parallels
                                   # Default: process
  -p, [--pid-path=PID_PATH]
                                   # Default: dummer.pid

Configuration Parameters

Following parameters in the configuration file are available:

  • output

    Specify a filename to output, or IO object (STDOUT, STDERR)

  • host

    Post a data to a fluentd process on the specified host. Either of output or host can be specified.

  • port

    Post a data to a fluentd process on the specified post. Default is 24224.

  • rate

    Specify how many messages to generate per second. Default: 500 msgs / sec

  • workers

    Specify number of processes for parallel processing.

  • delimiter

    Specify the delimiter between each field. Default: "\t" (Tab)

  • labeled

    Whether add field name as a label or not. Default: true

  • tag

    Define tag field to generate. This is effective only for posting data to fluentd process with host and port.

  • field

    Define data fields to generate. message and input options are ignored.

  • input

    Use this if you want to write messages by reading lines of an input file in rotation. message is ignored.

  • message

    Use this if you want to write only a specific message.

Field Data Types

You can specify following data types to your tag and field parameters:

  • :datetime

    • :format

    You can specify format of datetime as %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S. See Time#strftime for details.

    • :random

    Generate datetime randomly. Default: false (Time.now)

    • :value

    You can specify a fixed Time object.

  • :string

    • :any

    You can specify an array of strings, then the generator picks one from them randomly

    • :length

    You can specify the length of string to generate randomly

    • :value

    You can specify a fixed string

  • :integer

    • :format

    You can specify a format of string as %03d.

    • :range

    You can specify a range of integers, then the generator picks one in the range (uniform) randomly

    • :countup

    Generate countup data. Default: false

    • :value

    You can specify a fixed integer

  • :float

    • :format

    You can specify a format of string as %03.1f.

    • :range

    You can specify a range of float numbers, then the generator picks one in the range (uniform) randomly

    • :value

    You can specify a fixed float number


I created a simple version of dummer since it can not achieve the maximum system I/O throughputs because of its rich features. This simple version, dummer_simple could achieve the system I/O limit in my environment.

Sorry, but this simple script cannot post data to fluentd process, supports only writing to a file.


$ dummer_simple [options]



      [--sync]             # Set `IO#sync=true`
  -s, [--second=N]         # Duration of running in second
                           # Default: 1
  -p, [--parallel=N]       # Number of processes to run in parallel
                           # Default: 1
  -o, [--output=OUTPUT]    # Output file
                           # Default: dummy.log
  -i, [--input=INPUT]      # Input file (Output messages by reading lines of the file in rotation)
  -m, [--message=MESSAGE]  # Output message
                           # Default: time:2013-11-20 23:39:42 +0900    level:ERROR     method:POST     uri:/api/v1/people      reqtime:3.1983877060667103


I created a wrapped version of yes command, dummer_yes, to confrim that dummer_simple achieves the maximum system I/O throughputs.

I do not use dummer_yes command anymore because I verified that dummer_simple achieves the I/O limit, but I will keep this command so that users can do verification experiments with it.


$ dummer_yes [options]



  -s, [--second=N]         # Duration of running in second
                           # Default: 1
  -p, [--parallel=N]       # Number of processes to run in parallel
                           # Default: 1
  -o, [--output=OUTPUT]    # Output file
                           # Default: dummy.log
  -m, [--message=MESSAGE]  # Output message
                           # Default: time:2013-11-20 23:39:42 +0900  level:ERROR method:POST uri:/api/v1/people  reqtime:3.1983877060667103


There is a fluent-plugin-dummydata-producer, but I wanted to output dummy data to a log file, and I wanted a standalone tool.


  1. write tests
  2. Add an option to send data to fluentd directly


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
