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The easy way to build Big Cartel themes.

Dugway allows you to run your Big Cartel theme on your computer, test it in any browser, write code in your favorite editor, and use fancy new tools like CoffeeScript, Sass, and LESS. It’s awesome.



Dugway is used internally by Big Cartel to develop our themes, and only we are able to modify a theme’s settings.json file, host a theme’s assets, and upload a fully packaged theme zip. You’re free to use Dugway to develop a custom theme, or modify one of our default themes, but you’ll need to base your settings.json on one of our default themes, host images, fonts, and JavaScript assets separately, and copy/paste theme pages individually in the Big Cartel admin.


Dugway is Ruby gem so you’ll need to have Ruby 2.0+ installed. Ruby is usually pre-installed on Mac OS X and Linux, and Windows users can install it using RubyInstaller. From there, simply install the dugway gem from the terminal.

“em install dugway

Creating a new theme

With Dugway installed, you can now create a new theme, simply give it a name.

“ugway create mytheme

This will create a new directory named mytheme that contains a few configuration files and a starter theme to get you going.

“ytheme ├── source | ├── fonts │ │ └── all font files for your theme │ ├── images │ │ └── all image files for your theme │ ├── javascripts │ │ └── all JavaScript files for your theme │ ├── stylesheets │ │ └── all CSS files for your theme │ ├── cart.html │ ├── contact.html │ ├── home.html │ ├── layout.html │ ├── maintenance.html │ ├── product.html │ ├── products.html │ ├── screenshot.jpg │ ├── settings.json │ ├── theme.css │ └── theme.js └── config.ru

Developing your theme

All of the assets and source code for your theme goes in the source directory.


Develop the HTML for your theme using our Theme API. Barebones versions of all of the required HTML pages for your theme are provided by default, so feel free to expand on those or replace them entirely.

CSS & JavaScript

All CSS for your theme is handled by the theme.css file, and all JavaScript by theme.js. If you don’t have much CSS or JavaScript, or you’re just a glutton for punishment, you could simply put all of your code in these two files. However, we recommend you use Sprockets to break your code into multiple files in separate directories.

Using Sprockets

Sprockets allows you to bring in CSS and JavaScript from different directories into a single file. We’ve created stylesheets and javascripts directories by default that you can put your code in, but you could delete those and put files anywhere you’d like. After that, use Sprockets directives to package them into theme.css and theme.js.


“s /* = require stylesheets/example_1= require stylesheets/example_2 /


“ //= require javascripts/example_1 //= require javascripts/example_2

Using Sass, Compass, LESS, and CoffeeScript

Dugway also allows you to use Sass in your separate files by appending the .sass or .scss extension after .css. You can even use Compass right out of the box to help author your stylesheets by utilizing its mixins for CSS3, typography, and its utilities.

Prefer LESS? No problem, you’ll just need to create a Gemfile like this one in the root directory of your theme, run bundle install, and append the .less extension to your CSS files.

And finally, for you JavaScript folks, we’ve baked CoffeeScript support right in. Just append the .coffee extension after .js to your separate JS files.

Embedding CSS & JavaScript

You can embed the CSS and JavaScript into your theme by passing the theme variable to the theme_css_url and theme_js_url filters.

CSS (theme.css)


Maruku could not parse this XML/HTML: 
<link href="{{ theme | theme_css_url }}" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

JavaScript (theme.js)
