Dude Gem Version

A daily assistant in the hard work of a programmer

This program helps to combine such services as Gitlab, Toggl and replace most routine activities with one simple CLI utility.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dude-cli'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dude-cli

After that create .duderc file in your HOME directory by command:

$ dude install

And configure all variables in this file

TOGGL_EMAIL - Your email, registered in Toggl

TOGGL_TOKEN= - Your Toggl token

TOGGL_WORKSPACE_ID - Your Toggl Workspace ID (You can find it in Toggl team or projects url)

GITLAB_ENDPOINT=https://gitlab.yoursite.com/api/v4/ - Change yoursite.com to your site

GITLAB_TOKEN=imyiKqwsQBbn1zCMY2PJ - Your Gitlab token (https://gitlab.yoursite.com/profile/personal_access_tokens)

HOURS_PER_DAY=8 - Working hours per day

HOURS_PER_WEEK=40 - Working hours per week


Command Required parameters Optional parameters Description
dude install - - Create .duderc file in your home directory
dude checkout issue_id project_title1 Checkout to branch with name "ID-issue-title"
dude track issue_id project_title1 Start time entry in Toggl with issue project, title and id
dude tasks - project_title1 Show issues in current project assigned to you
dude estimate duration issue_id2, project_title1 Estimate time for issue
dude stop - project_title1 Stop current time entry in Toggl, move issue to To Do
dude stats - - Display your daily and weekly stats from Toggl
dude start issue_id project_title1 Do checkout, track and move actions
dude move label issue_id2, project_title1 Move issue to another column
dude version - - Display gem version

You also can use dude help for short description of every command.

1: You can not specify a project_title if the project folder name matches its name
2: You can not specify issue_id if the correct name for the git branch is specified


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Random4405/dude.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.