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Duct Tape, By Evan-Amos, via Wikimedia Commons

Duct is a small wrapper around bundler. It allows you to embed a Gemfile in a script.


Sometimes you write small scripts to do different tasks. Sometimes you store them for future use. Sometimes those scripts use some gems to do their task (database access, web requests, whatever). So, after some time, you reuse them and you don't know which version of which gems did you use and you can run into trouble (like with full fledged apps in the pre-bundler days). That's when you do the obvious workaround: create a directory to store the script together with a Gemfile and a Gemfile.lock.

That's a good solution but feels a bit overkill. Duct allows you to embed the Gemfile (and the Gemfile.lock) in the same file, so it's a single file to store together with others, as a gist, etc.


Duct is a command line utility, so just install it via rubygems:

$ gem install duct


First, write your Gemfile in the data section of your script, after the __END__ label, and after a @@ Gemfile label:

require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
  'Hello, world!'


(this is very much like the Sinatra inline templates, and can in fact be combined with them).

Then, run the script using the duct command:

$ duct my_script.rb

The default action is running the script, checking previously whether dependencies are met, and installing them (via bundle install) if needed. Notice that your script data section will be updated with a section for the Gemfile.lock if needed (beware of conflicts with your editor while you develop the script).

Passing parameters

If your script expects parameters, just pass them after the filename:

$ duct my_script.rb param1 param2

Updating the bundle

You can run any of the bundle subcommands (mainly update, with or without a gem name, but also outdated, check, list, show and all the rest) passing them before the filename:

$ duct update sinatra my_script.rb

Remember that updating the bundle will update the Gemfile.lock section in your script, so remember to save those changes.

Using Duct in shebangs

Under Unix-like operating systems, you can instruct the program loader to use Duct to run your script. Just put the following shebang in the first line of your script (the # ruby comment is needed because of something explained here):

#!/usr/bin/env duct # ruby

and add execute permissions to your script:

chmod +x my_script

This gives you the ability to treat your script as an executable that, once in your $PATH, to execute it directly.

Using the script data

Duct will ignore the part of the data section before the first @@ XYZ label (and the sections with other labels than @@ Gemfile and @@ Gemfile.lock, as it was mentioned for the Sinatra inline templates case), so you can still use that ruby feature, but you will need to make sure your script handles and ignores the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock sections, of course.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Released under the MIT License, Copyright (c) 2014 Sergio Gil.