DryIce - Caching for HTTParty


Cache responses in HTTParty models. Every response from a resource which has a non 0 max-age header will be cached for the appropriate amount of time in the cache you provide it.

Based off https://github.com/sachse/httparty-icebox



You can install the latest Film Buff gem using RubyGems

gem install dry_ice


Alternatively you can check out the latest code directly from Github

git clone http://github.com/homeflow/dry_ice.git


Any class which includes the HTTParty module can include HTTParty::DryIce and get access to a cache class method.

class AnAPI

  include HTTParty
  include HTTParty::DryIce
  base_uri 'example.com'

  cache Rails.cache


The cache method accepts any instance which quacks like a ActiveSupport cache. That means you can use the built in Rails caches, something like Redis Store or your own custom rolled class as long as it responds to the methods:

  • read
  • write (taking an option :expires_in => seconds)
  • exit?
  • delete


Fork the project, implement your changes in it's own branch, and send a pull request to me. I'll gladly consider any help or ideas.


This project was based off the excellent httparty-icebox gem: https://github.com/sachse/httparty-icebox. It's contributors are listed below.

  • Karel Minarik (Original creator through a gist)
  • Martyn Loughran - Major parts of this code are based on the architecture of ApiCache.
  • David Heinemeier Hansson - Other parts are inspired by the ActiveSupport::Cache in Ruby On Rails.
  • Amit Chakradeo - For pointing out response objects have to be stored marshalled on FS.
  • Marlin Forbes - For pointing out the query parameters have to be included in the cache key.
  • ramieblatt - Original Memcached store.