Drupal to Contentful Exporter

This Gem supports only Drupal version 7.


This tool will extract the following content from a Drupal database dump file:

  • Content types (Blog, Article, Page, Custom content types)
  • Tags
  • Vocabularies
  • Users


gem install drupal-exporter

This will install the drupal-exporter executable.

Step by step

  1. Create a YAML file with the required parameters (eg. settings.yml):

    data_dir: PATH_TO_ALL_DATA
    adapter: mysql2
    host: localhost
    database: drupal_database_name
    user: username
    password: secret_password
    drupal_content_types_json: drupal_settings/drupal_content_types.json
    drupal_boolean_columns: drupal_settings/boolean_columns.yml
    drupal_base_url: http://example_hostname.com
    content_model_json: PATH_TO_CONTENTFUL_MODEL_JSON_FILE/contentful_model.json
    converted_model_dir: PATH_WHERE_CONVERTED_CONTENT_MODEL_WILL_BE_SAVED/contentful_structure.json
    contentful_structure_dir: PATH_TO_CONTENTFUL_STRUCTURE_JSON_FILE/contentful_structure.json
  2. (Not required to extract data). Create the contentful_structure.json. First you need to create a content model using the Contentful web application. Then you can download the content model using the content management api and use the content model for the import:

        curl -X GET \
             -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
             'https://api.contentful.com/spaces/SPACE_ID/content_types' > contentful_model.json

    It will create contentful_model.json file, which you need to transform into the contentful_structure.json using:

        drupal-exporter --config-file settings.yml --convert-content-model-to-json

    The converted content model will be saved as JSON file in the converted_model_dir path.

    Now you can generate content types JSON files.

       drupal-exporter --config-file settings.yml  --create-contentful-model-from-json

    It will create the content types JSON files which represent your content structure for the import.

  3. Create the drupal_content_types.json file. This file contains the mapped structure of your database.

    Mapping structure:

        machine_name_of_content_type : {
            contentful_api_field_1 : column_machine_name_1,
            contentful_api_field_2: column_machine_name_2,
            contentful_api_field_3 : column_machine_name_3

    You can find a sample mapping file in the drupal_settings/drupal_content_types.json directory.

  4. (Optional). Boolean values. Sequel converts boolean values 0,1, stored in the database only when the field is TINYINT(1) type. To map the value of 0,1 to false, true, you have to specify the column names in the yaml file (eg. boolean_columns.yml) and specify the path to this file in the settings.yml file, parameter drupal_boolean_columns.


    - field_if_content_type
    - field_boolean
  5. Extract the content from the database and generate the JSON files for the import:

    drupal-exporter --config-file settings.yml --extract-to-json

    It will only extract the content and store it as JSON files, nothing will be uploaded yet.

  6. Use the contentful-importer to import the content to contentful.com


Create settings a YML file (eg. settings.yml) to define all required parameters. Assuming we are going to work with either MySQL, SQLite or a PostgreSQL database, you must define credentials to connect Drupal database. An example configuration for connecting with a MySQL database named "drupal_database_name":

adapter: mysql2
user: username
host: localhost
database: drupal_database_name
password: secret_password

Available Adapters

  • PostgreSQL => postgres
  • MySQL => mysql2
  • SQlite => sqlite

Content Types

To be able to properly map the Drupal content types to the Contentful content types they must be identical by name.


Drupal name of content type => 'Blog'
Contentful name of content type => 'Blog'


These content types are exported from the Drupal database by default and assigned to every content type. There is no need to specify them in the content type structure.

They will be saved with the following api field ids:

Tags => 'tags'

Custom tag content types

If you want to add tags that you define in a custom table, you need to specify them by adding an addition parameter to the hash:

    "table": "field_term_tagging"

Machine name

To find machine name in your Drupal structure, sign in to your Admin console and open Structure section. Next to the name of Content type, will be located machine name in brackets. To find machine name for individual field, go into manage fields option.


To map columns of boolean values, you need to create YML file ( eg. boolean_columns.yml ) and define machine names of boolean columns.


- field_if_content_type
- field_boolean

The path to the drupal_boolean_columns file is defined in the settings.yml.

drupal_boolean_columns: PATH_TO_YML_FILE

Assets & Images

Your files and assets need to be available and accessible through the internet. For this purpose, you must define the drupal_base_url in the settings.yml file so that the importer will be able to create them.

drupal_base_url: http://example_hostname.com

Mapping structure

Create JSON file with content types structure:

"machine_name_of_content_type" : {
"contentful_api_fiel_idd" : "column_machine_name",
"contentful_api_field_id2" : "column_machine_name2",
"contentful_api_field_id3" : "column_machine_name23"

Example structure:

    "article": {
        "body": "body",
        "image": "field_image"
    "page": {
        "body": "body"
    "blog": {
        "body": "body"
    "content_type": {
        "body": "body",
        "age": "field_age",
        "if_content_type": "field_if_content_type",
        "name": "field_first_name"

In settings.yml file define path to the drupal_content_types_json file.

drupal_content_types_json: PATH_TO_JSON_FILE

Example settings.yml file

data_dir: /tmp/data

#Connecting to a database
adapter: mysql2
host: localhost
database: database_name
user: username
password: password

# Drupal
drupal_content_types_json: PATH_TO_FILE/drupal_content_types.json
drupal_boolean_columns: PATH_TO_FILE/boolean_columns.yml
drupal_base_url: http://example_hostname.com

Command to extract data:

drupal-exporter --config-file settings.yml --extract-to-json