This is a long-overdue rewrite of a previous project of mine, jeriko/app_drone


Dronr is your Rails 4 workhorse. Boring application setup, fully automated!

Dronr is opinionated, designed to promote best practices and coding patterns, and doesn't aim to provide installations for the totality of existing things.

Getting started


$ gem install dronr

Create a brand new app

$ dronr new MyApp

You can also supply a path to a valid register file

$ dronr new MyApp --template templates/prototyping.yml

Or try a popular configuration (coming soon)

$ dronr new MyApp --template

Under the hood

The dronr new command runs like so:

  1. Generate app structure (like rails new) with custom config (e.g. --skip-test-unit if RSpec was declared)
  2. Install dronr gem in newly generated app & generate binstub
  3. Set up register file if a template register was supplied (more on this later)
  4. Invoke dronr up to run any new drones

Bootstrapping an existing app (coming soon)

If your app was not generated with the dronr new command, you can bootstrap it by navigating to the app directory and running:

$ bundle exec dronr bootstrap

with an optional template argument

$ bundle exec dronr bootstrap --template templates/prototyping.yml

This will install the dronr gem, generate a binstub, and copy the template register.

Be aware that existing apps might already have undergone manual installation of some drones you may want to add. I'll add more info here later.


Listing drones

Coming soon.

Adding a drone

Register a drone for installation by adding it's name to the 'incoming' list in .dronr.yml

  - rspec
  - simple_form
  - ...

Whenever you're ready to run new changes:

$ bin/dronr up

Drone work their way from incoming, to bundled (once a drone's gems have been installed), to finished (once a drone's installation commands have been executed).

Note that it may take multiple iterations of dronr up to complete the entire process. This is because gems & config are changing so code may need to be reloaded.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/dronr/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request