Dribbled collects and displays information about DRBD devices.

Dribbled is available as a Rubygem: gem install dribbled


dribbled [options] <action> [action_options] [action_arguments]

Actions are one of show, check, watch and snap.

General options are as follows:

General options:
    -D, --drbdadm DRBDADM            Path to drbdadm binary
    -P, --procdrbd PROCDRBD          Path to /proc/drbd
    -X, --xmldump XMLDUMP            Path to output for drbdadm --dump-xml
    -H, --hostname HOSTNAME          Hostname
    -d, --debug                      Enable debug mode
    -a, --about                      Display dribbled information
    -V, --version                    Display dribbled version
        --help                       Show this messageSenedsa options

With no options or arguments, dribbled displays help as shown above (unless called as check_drbd; see Personalities).


Dribbled has two personalities: when run as dribbled, it behaves according to the action and parameters used; when run as check_drbd, it assumes the check action, which enables Nagios plugin behavior. (i.e., dribbled check is equivalent to check_drbd).



The show action displays information about DRBD devices in the system. This action accepts one optional argument and no options. With no arguments, it shows information about all known resources (runtime and configured):

  gerir@boxie:~:dribbled show
  0     r0 Connected         UpToDate/UpToDate      Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd0   desthost /dev/drbd0
  1     r1 Connected         UpToDate/UpToDate      Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd1   desthost /dev/drbd1
  5     r5 Connected         UpToDate/UpToDate      Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd5   desthost /dev/drbd5
  6     r6 SyncTarget [  4%] Inconsistent/UpToDate  Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd6   desthost /dev/drbd6

Arguments can be either a resource name or the word version. In the first case, it will display information about the resource specified:

  gerir@boxie:~:dribbled show r0
  0     r0 Connected         UpToDate/UpToDate      Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd0   desthost /dev/drbd0

Note that the information provided about a resource is augmented with progress and estimated time to completion when the connection state is one of SyncSource, SyncTarget, VerifyS or VerifyT. The examples shown in this document only show percentages for brevity.

In the second case, it will show the DRBD version in use:

  gerir@boxie:~:dribbled version


It is sometimes useful to watch a given resources as it changes over time, for instance, as it is initialized or verified. One way to do this is running watch -d -t -n 15 ‘dribbled show | grep Sync’. Dribbled can do this by itself.

  Watch Arguments
     interval: amount of time in seconds between each report (default: 60)
     count: number of reports to produce

   Watch Options
      -r, --resource RESOURCE          Resource
      -c, --cstate CSTATE_RE           CState (partial match)
      -d, --dstate DSTATE_RE           DState (partial match)

In its simplest form:

  gerir@boxie:~:dribbled watch 15
  6     r6 SyncTarget [  4%] Inconsistent/UpToDate  Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd6   desthost /dev/drbd6
  6     r6 SyncTarget [  6%] Inconsistent/UpToDate  Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd6   desthost /dev/drbd6
  6     r6 SyncTarget [  8%] Inconsistent/UpToDate  Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd6   desthost /dev/drbd6
  6     r6 SyncTarget [ 10%] Inconsistent/UpToDate  Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd6   desthost /dev/drbd6

By default, dribbled will match resources where the connection state is Sync and the disk state is Inconsistent (as regular expressions). To watch resources being verified:

  gerir@boxie:~:dribbled watch -c Verify 15
  6     r6 VerifyS     [  8%] UpToDate/UpToDate    Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd6   desthost /dev/drbd6
  6     r6 VerifyS     [ 10%] UpToDate/UpToDate    Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd6   desthost /dev/drbd6
  6     r6 VerifyS     [ 13%] UpToDate/UpToDate    Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd6   desthost /dev/drbd6
  6     r6 VerifyS     [ 15%] UpToDate/UpToDate    Secondary/Primary   sourcehost /dev/drbd6   desthost /dev/drbd6

The interval is specified in seconds, and defaults to 60. An optional second argument can be provided and specifies a count of iterations.


The check action enables Nagios plugin mode, in which a single line of output is produced on STDOUT with the status of the devices.

  gerir@boxie:~:dribbled check
  warning: 6:cs:SyncTarget[4.6%%];ds:Inconsistent/UpToDate

  gerir@boxie:~:dribbled check
  warning: 6:cs:SyncTarget[4.6%%];ds:Inconsistent/UpToDate

Currently, there is no way to configure what constitutes alert conditions, but generally, a critical alert will be generated when a resource is found in non-Connected and non-UpToDate state, except when said resource is in SyncSource, SyncTarget, VerifyS, VerifyT, PausedSyncS, PausedSyncT, or StandAlone connection state, which causes a warning. Also, resources that are Connected and UpToDate but missing from the configuration will generate a warning.

Both active and passive modes are supported, with the corresponding options:

    Check Options
    -M, --monitor [nagios]           Monitoring system
    -m, --mode [active|passive]      Monitoring mode
    -H, --nsca_hostname HOSTNAME     NSCA hostname to send passive checks
    -c, --config CONFIG              Path to Senedsa (send_nsca) configuration
    -S, --svc_descr SVC_DESR         Nagios service description
    -h, --hostname HOSTNAME          Service hostname

As dribbled uses Senedsa, configurations files are supported.


The snap action is useful to capture raw data DRBD from a system for test and development. It produces two files, xmldump.suffix and proddrbd.suffix:

Snap Options
-S, --suffix SUFFIX              Suffix (defaults to PID)
-D, --directory DIRECTORY        Directory (defaults to /tmp)

These files can then be used with the general --procdrbd PROCDRBD and --xmldump XMLDUMP options:

gerir@boxie:~/dribbled -P data/procdrbd.wfconnection -X data/xmldump.wfconnection -H sourcehost show
 0  r0 Connected     UpToDate/UpToDate   Primary/Secondary   sourcehost /dev/drbd0   desthost /dev/drbd0 
 1  r1 Connected     UpToDate/UpToDate   Primary/Secondary   sourcehost /dev/drbd1   desthost /dev/drbd1 
12 r12 Connected     UpToDate/UpToDate   Primary/Secondary   sourcehost /dev/drbd12  desthost /dev/drbd12
13 r13 WFConnection  UpToDate/DUnknown   Primary/Unknown

We use the general -H option to let dribbled know which host the commands were captured on (so that it can properly identify source and destination).