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drg_material_icons provides the Material-icons web fonts and stylesheets as a Rails engine for use with the asset pipeline.

drg_material_icons gem also provides compatibility with the old font-awesome-rails gem. If you are still using old Font awesome v4.7 icons and want to upgrade to more rich Google material icons you simply replace font-awesome-rails gem with drg_material_icons gem.


Add this to your Gemfile:

gem "drg_material_fonts"

and run bundle install.


In your application.css, include the css file:

 *= require drg_material_fonts

Then restart your webserver if it was previously running.

Sass Support

If you prefer SCSS, add this to your application.css.scss file:

@import "drg_material_icons";

If you use the Sass indented syntax, add this to your application.css.sass file:

@import drg_material_icons


You also get some helpers (mi_icon and mi_stacked_icon) that make your views look great with new icons.

mi_icon "photo_camera"
# => <i class="mi mi-camera_retro"></i>

mi_icon "photo_camera", text: "Take a photo"
# => <i class="mi mi-photo_camera"></i> Take a photo

mi_icon "chevron_right", text: "Get started", right: true
# => Get started <i class="mi mi-chevron_right mi-poll-right"></i>

(:li, mi_icon("check li", text: "Bulleted list item"))
# => <li><i class="mi mi-check mi-li"></i> Bulleted list item</li>

drg_material_icons includes two material icon font types. Regular and outline. To get outline type of icons simply add -o suffix to icon name.

mi_icon "photo_camera-o"
# => <i class="mi-o mi-camera-retro"></i>

mi_icon "chevron_right-o", text: "Get started", right: true
# => Get started <i class="mi-o mi-chevron_right mi-poll-right">Get started</i>

Compatibility with font-awesome-rails gem

drg_material_icons gem is a fork of font-awesome-rails gem https://github.com/bokmann/font-awesome-rails and is its 100% replacement. It includes fa_icon method as an alias to mi_icon method, which is just renamed from original font-awesome-rails project. Therefore, you can mix use of old and new variant of method call.

mi_icon "photo_camera"
# => <i class="mi mi-camera"></i>

# or

fa_icon "photo-camera"
# => <i class="mi mi-camera"></i>

There are examples where FontAwesome icons names are different as Material icons names. You have two solutions to this problem. You can find font icon replacement on https://fonts.google.com/icon and update icon name in your source code or, define content code for the icon name in your application CSS file.

.mi-times:before {content: '\e5cd'}
