Class: DcAd

  • Object
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Mongoid::Document, Mongoid::Timestamps
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Schema information

Collection name: dc_ad : Ads

_id                  BSON::ObjectId       _id
created_at           Time                 created_at
updated_at           Time                 updated_at
position             String               Position (div id) where this ad will be displayed
description          String               Short description
type                 Integer              Content type of add
file                 String               Picture or flash filename
script               String               JavaScript script, when script type
link                 String               Link to page (site, dokument) when ad is clicked
link_target          String               Define if link is open in new window or same
height               Integer              Height of ad
width                Integer              Width of ad
valid_from           DateTime             Ad is valid from
valid_to             DateTime             Ad is valid to
displays             Integer              Maximum number of time this add is displayed
clicks               Integer              Maximum number of clicks this ad will receive
priority             Integer              Priority. Higher priority means ad is shown more often. Priority is calculated only between candidats to be displayed.
displayed            Integer              No. of times this add has been displayed
clicked              Integer              No. of times this ad has been clicked
active               Mongoid::Boolean     Ad is active
created_by           BSON::ObjectId       created_by
updated_by           BSON::ObjectId       Record last updated by
dc_site_id           Object               Ad is valid for the site

Ads can be defined as picture file, flash file or script.

More than one ad can be shown on the same place of design. They are grouped by position field, have priority, valid time period and can be limited by number of clicks or displays.