Class: DcUser

  • Object
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Schema information

Collection name: dc_user : Users

_id                  BSON::ObjectId       _id
created_at           Time                 created_at
updated_at           Time                 updated_at
username             String               Username
title                String               Title (dr, mag)
first_name           String               Users first name
middle_name          String               Middle name
last_name            String               Users last name
name                 String               Name colected from firstname, title and lastname
company              String               company
address              String               Home address
post                 String               Post and post city
country              String               Country
phone                String               Phone number
email                String               e-Mail address
www                  String               www
picture              String               Picture file name
birthdate            Date                 Date of birth
about                String               Short description of user
last_visit           Time                 Users last visit
active               Mongoid::Boolean     Account is active
valid_from           Date                 Account is valid from
valid_to             Date                 Account is valid until
created_by           BSON::ObjectId       created_by
updated_by           BSON::ObjectId       Account last updated by
type                 Integer              Type of user account
members              Array                Members (if type is group)
signature            String               signature
interests            String               interests
job_occup            String               job_occup
description          String               description
reg_date             Date                 reg_date
password_digest      String               password_digest
dc_user_roles        Embedded:DcUserRole  Roles for this user

dc_users collection holds data about regitered users. Passwords are encrypted with bcrypt gem.

This model defines basic fields required for evidence of registerred users. Since it is implemented as ActiveSupport::Concern you are encouraged to further expand model with your own data structures.