Class: DcMenuItem

  • Object
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Mongoid::Document, Mongoid::Timestamps
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Schema information

Collection name: dc_menu_item : Menu items

_id                  BSON::ObjectId       _id
created_at           Time                 created_at
updated_at           Time                 updated_at
caption              String               Caption of menu item
picture              String               Picture for the menu
link                 String               Link called when menu is chosen
link_prepend         String               Link field usually holds direct link to document. Prepand field holds data, that has to be prepanded to the link.
target               String               Target window for the link. Leave empty when same window.
page_id              BSON::ObjectId       Page link
order                Integer              Order on which menu item is shown. Lower number means prior position.
active               Mongoid::Boolean     Is active
policy_id            BSON::ObjectId       Menu item will be diplayed according to this policy
created_by           BSON::ObjectId       created_by
updated_by           BSON::ObjectId       updated_by
dc_menu_items        Embedded:DcMenuItem  Submenu items

DcMenuItem documents are embedded in the DcMenu document and define one menu item of menu system.