
This gem is for downsampling and "bucketing" time based data. Great for passing data to chartkick

<%= line_chart User.downsample_by(60, :created_at).counts %> # 1 minute buckets

Implemented without any dependencies so you don't need activesupport or activerecord.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'downsampler'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install downsampler


DataPoint =, :value)
data_points = (1..9).map { |i| + i*20, i)}

downsampled = data_points.downsample_by(1.minute, &:time)
# 2014-08-18 15:01:00 -0400=>
#  [#<struct DataPoint time=2014-08-18 15:03:40 -0400, value=1>,
#   #<struct DataPoint time=2014-08-18 15:03:20 -0400, value=2>,
#   #<struct DataPoint time=2014-08-18 15:03:00 -0400, value=3>],
# 2014-08-18 15:02:00 -0400=>
#  [#<struct DataPoint time=2014-08-18 15:02:40 -0400, value=4>,
#   #<struct DataPoint time=2014-08-18 15:02:20 -0400, value=5>,
#   #<struct DataPoint time=2014-08-18 15:02:00 -0400, value=6>],
# 2014-08-18 15:03:00 -0400=>
#  [#<struct DataPoint time=2014-08-18 15:01:40 -0400, value=7>,
#   #<struct DataPoint time=2014-08-18 15:01:20 -0400, value=8>,
#   #<struct DataPoint time=2014-08-18 15:01:00 -0400, value=9>]

downsampled.sum &:value
# 2014-08-18 15:01:00 -0400=> 6,
# 2014-08-18 15:02:00 -0400=> 15,
# 2014-08-18 15:03:00 -0400=> 24

downsampled.mean { |point| point.value }
# 2014-08-18 15:01:00 -0400=> 2,
# 2014-08-18 15:02:00 -0400=> 5,
# 2014-08-18 15:03:00 -0400=> 8

# 2014-08-18 15:01:00 -0400=> 3,
# 2014-08-18 15:02:00 -0400=> 3,
# 2014-08-18 15:03:00 -0400=> 3


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  5. Create a new Pull Request