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Automated Commandline Options (for Ruby Executables)

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DotOpts is an automatic commandline argument augmenter. It looks for a project's local .opts configuration file and applies the appropriate arguments when a matching command is invoked.


  • Works with any and all Ruby-based executables.
  • Can be used to set environment variables in addition to arguments.
  • Supports environment variable substitution.
  • Supports conditional augmentation using environment settings.
  • Simple and easy to use plain-text configuration format.


DotOpts can be install via Rubygems:

gem install dotopts

If you would like to use DotOpts with all Ruby tools, regardless of whether they have built-in support for DotOpts, then add -rdotopts to you RUBYOPT environment variable.

export RUBYOPT="-rdotopts"

This ensures DotOpts is required whenever Ruby is used.


Setting Arguments

A simple example of a projects .opts file:

yard doc
  --title="Bad Ass Program"

This simply says, that whenever yardoc or yard doc is executed then add the --title="Bad Ass Program" argument to the end of the command line arguments (internally ARGV).

Setting Environment Variables

Environment variables can also be set by prepending first and subsequent lines with $.

yard doc
  $ RUBYOPTS="-rbadass"
  --title="Bad Ass Program"

The space after the cash sign is important! Otherwise it will be interpreted as a variable substitution.

Conditional Profiles

The .opts configuration file support profiles via the square brackets. Profiles are chosen via the $profile or $p environment variable.

    -r simplecov

So the above means that -r simplecov should be added the argument list when rubytest is executed, but only if $profile or $p is equal to "coverage".

Square brackets can also be used to match against any environment variable by using the = sign.

  rake test
    -r jruby-sandbox

To condition a configuration on multiple environment settings, add each to the square brackets separated by a space.

  [coverage RUBY_ENGINE=jruby]
    -r jruby-sandbox
    -r simplecov

Finally, environment values can be matched against simple regular expressions using a tilde (~) before the value. Be sure to out the value in quotes when using regular expressions.

  [~"cov(erage)?" RUBY_ENGINE=~"jruby|rubinius"]
    -r jruby-sandbox
    -r simplecov

Third Party Support

Ruby tool developers can support dotopts out-of-the-box simple by running require 'dotopts' in their program before parsing the commandline. DotOpts simply injects arguments into ARGV so it can work with any commandline option parser.


Universal Solution?

It would be awesome if it were possible to have DotOpts apply to all executables, not just Ruby-based executables. But I do not know how this can be done for Bash, Zsh or any other shell. Of course, each scripting language could potentially have its own implementation of DotOpts, which would cover many more executables, but it would still not cover all of them.

If you are a shell genius and have an epiphany on how it might be done, please drop me a note via Issues. I'd be more than happy to code and maintain it.

Copyrights & Licensing

DotOpts is copyrighted open-source software.

Copyright (c) 2013 Rubyworks. All rights reserved.

It can be modified and redistributed in accordance with the BSD-2-Clause license.