DotMe Gem Version

DotMe is a dot files management system for human beings.

Installation and Usage

You can verify your installation using this piece of code:

gem install dotme


# dotme --help

You will be presented with the following output:

Usage: dotme ACTION [options]

    create                           Create your dot files archive. 
    install                          Use the Dotfile in current directory to install your dot files, this is the default action.

    -T, --targets TARGETS            Files and folders to backup. DEFAULT: .oh-my-zsh, .vimrc, .vim, .zshrc, .bashrc
    -O, --output FOLDER              Directory to store your dot files in. DEFAULT: dotfiles
    -B, --backup FOLDER              Backup directory to store existing dot files. DEFAULT: ~/dotfiles.backup
    -P, --prepend COMMAND            Prepend a custom command to the Dotfile, can be use multiple times.
    -A, --append COMMAND             Append a custom command to the Dotfile, can be use multiple times.


Released under the BSD license.
Copyright © 2013, Simone Margaritelli [email protected] All rights reserved.