
A gem to manage .env dependencies.

Your .env file gets jealous when .example-env has keys that it does not. Dotenvious helps .env get back on the right track.

See that your most recent pull breaks Rails on startup due to missing environment variables? Run bundle exec dotenvious and it will present to you the new variables that were added - and give you the option to immediately add them to your .env file.

Dotenvious eliminates the pain of manually parsing through a newly changed .example-env file to see which new breaking variables have been added.

Getting Started

Add the gem to your Gemfile by the following:

group :development do
    gem 'dotenvious'

then run:

bundle install
bundle exec dotenvious

The CLI will then take you through your .env and .example-env files, prompting you to add missing variables or overwrite differing variables.


Currently, one can whitelist which variables they want to exclude from examination.

First, add a .envious file to the root of your project. In the file, you can specify which variables to ignore fully (optional_variables) or those that you need but are expected to have different values from those provided in .example-env (custom_variables). do |config|

    config.custom_variables = %w(VARIABLES WITH DIFFERENT VALUES)

    config.optional_variables = %w(VARIABLES YOU DONT NEED)


These both need to be arrays.

dotenvious will ignore the variables specified.

Additional Options


Running dotenvious --sort will sort your .env file alphabetically.


To select another example enironment file to use, add the optional flag --file .env-example or whatever your filename is.

This gem also works with .yml or .yaml files designed for CircleCI. To use a .yaml file of this style, it must have the format:

        MY_ENV_VAR_1: "asdfghjk"
        MY_ENV_VAR_2: "qwertyu"

Other configuration formats can be added in the future.

Future Work

  • [ ] Persist user's individual choices in a .envious file in directory after run

  • [ ] Auto create .envious with user specified options if not exists

  • [ ] Remove duplicate variables if declared twice in .env file