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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dota_api_wrapper'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dota_api_wrapper

Steam API Key

In order to use this API first you need to get your API key. You can get it here

This gem will read your key from an environment variable, so once you have it you'll need to export it in your environment.

export STEAM_API_KEY=0123456789

Examples of usage


heroes = DotaApiWrapper::Resource.retrieve_heroes

heroes[56] => {
  "name" => "npc_dota_hero_clinkz",
  "id" = >56,
  "localized_name" => "Clinkz"


items = DotaApiWrapper::Resource.retrieve_items

items[25] => {
  "id" => 25,
  "name" => "item_gloves",
  "cost" => 500,
  "secret_shop" => 0,
  "side_shop" => 1,
  "recipe" => 0,
  "localized_name" => "Gloves of Haste"

Steam User's Summary

To get all the information of a player you need its 64bits account ID.

player =

Then the first time you access one of its attributes, all the information of the player will be fetched from the API.

Player object has the following information available:

  "avatar"=>"  ges/avatars/fa/fa3c7d96ba6f8dc9d7b0820befcd83d53bb3208a.jpg",
  "avatarmedium"=>"  ic/images/avatars/fa/fa3c7d96ba6f8dc9d7b0820befcd83d53bb3208a_medium  .jpg",
  "avatarfull"=>"  /images/avatars/fa/fa3c7d96ba6f8dc9d7b0820befcd83d53bb3208a_full.jpg  ",

You can access every attribute method-like, for example:

player.personaname => 'Kazooie'


You can query the API in search of the collection of matches you need. For that purpose you can use the method get_matches of DotaApiWrapper::Match class.

api_result = DotaApiWrapper::Match.get_matches

get_matches Accepts the following options:

hero_id=<id>                   # Matches with a specific hero
game_mode=<mode>               # Matches of a given mode
skill=<skill>                  # 0 for any, 1 for normal, 2 for high, 3 for very high skill (default is 0)
min_players=<count>            # Minimum number of player
account_id=<id>                # Search matches of the given ID (32-bit or 64-bit steam ID)
league_id=<id>                 # Matches of a league
start_at_match_id=<id>         # Start the search at the indicated match id, descending
matches_requested=<n>          # Maximum is 25 matches (default is 100)
tournament_games_only=<string> # Set to only show tournament games

Once you have your collection of matches you can instantiate a Match object to work with it.

match =['matches'].first)
match.radiant_win => true


After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run rake console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.