.NET Services for Ruby

What’s this?

.NET Services for Ruby is an open source library that helps Ruby programs communicate with Microsoft’s .NET Services using plain HTTP. It was developed by a small team in ThoughtWorks, while Microsoft provided funding, management and technical guidance for the project.


The library can be installed as a ‘dot_net_services’ gem, from RubyForge gem repository:

$ gem install dot_net_services

or downloaded as an archive from RubyForge [rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=7155].

NOTE: Version number 0.3.0 tells you that the API will have backwards-incompatible changes in future, so Vendor Everything! [http://errtheblog.com/posts/50-vendor-everything]


API: dotnetservicesruby.com/documentation/classes/DotNetServices.html

.NET Services: go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=129428

Demo application

To provide an example of our interop API in action, we have implemented a small Rails application called BillBoard. We were working on the API while building the app, which helped us study the technology and discover the right abstractions.

You can see BillBoard in action at dotnetservicesruby.com/billboard and download BillBoard source code from RubyForge [rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=7155].


Users maillist: rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/dotnetsrv-ruby-users ThoughtWorks: [email protected]


BSD license. See [LICENSE].

© ThoughtWorks, Inc 2008