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Simple CLI application that wraps the Terraform API.


To consolidate, improve and enforce standards around ITV's use of Terraform across product teams.

This gem provides two main functions:

  1. Wrap the main Terraform functions (e.g. plan, apply).
  2. Ensure alignment to ITV's Common Platform VPC and environment policy.


This gem is very specific to how ITV utilise Terraform so it is unlikely to be useful to others except to serve as an example of how we do things.


From Wikipedia:

...the dome is airtight and pressurized, creating a habitat that can be controlled for air temperature, composition and quality, typically due to an external atmosphere (or lack thereof) that is inimical to habitation for one or more reasons.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'domed-city'


For ease of use, type bundle exec dome (you may get some warnings if you do not use bundle exec) in the CLI:

$ bundle exec dome

Dome wraps the Terraform API and performs useful stuff.

       dome [command]
where [commands] are:
  -p, --plan            Creates a Terraform plan
  -a, --apply           Applies a Terraform plan
  -s, --state           Synchronises the Terraform state
  -o, --output          Print all Terraform output variables
  -v, --version         Print version and exit
  -h, --help            Show this message