
A DSL to create DataDog monitors

This gem is designed to provide a simple method for creating DataDog monitors in Ruby.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dogwatch'

And then execute:

$ bundle exec dogwatch create [--dogfile=DOGFILE] [--api_key=API KEY] [--app_key=APP KEY]

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dogwatch


DataDog API credentials are required.

Generate both an api key and an app key and either place them in a file named ~/.dogwatch/credentials or pass them via the command line.

A sample credentials file is provided in the example directory.


DogWatch is a thin DSL over the DataDog ruby client that handles generating DataDog monitors.

The following is an example of a Dogfile:

DogWatch.monitor do
  ## Create a new monitor - monitor name is REQUIRED
  monitor 'MONITOR NAME' do
    type :metric_alert # REQUIRED: One of [:metric_alert | :service_check | :event_alert]
    query 'QUERY' # REQUIRED
    message 'MESSAGE'
    tags %w(A list of tags to associate with your monitor)

    options do
      silenced '*': nil
      notify_no_data false
      no_data_timeframe 3
      timeout_h 99
      renotify_interval 60
      escalation_message 'oh snap'
      include_tags true

Monitors that already exist are matched by name and updated accordingly. If the name isn't matched exactly, DogWatch assumes you want a new monitor.

A sample Dogfile is provided in the example directory.

For a full list of options and a description of each parameter, see DataDog's API documentation.


  • More descriptive errors
  • Better error handling if a monitor fails local validation