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It's like cowsay, but with a dog.


% gem install dogsay


% dogsay Woof
                          _            +--------------------------------------+
                        ,:'/   _..._   |                 Woof                 |
                       // ( `""-.._.'  +--------------------------------------+
                       \| /    6\___  /
                       |     6      4
                       |            /
                       \_       .--'
                       / `'---`()
                     ,'        |
     ,            .'`          |
     )\       _.-'             ;
    / |    .'`   _            /
  /` /   .'       '.        , |
 /  /   /           \   ;   | |
|  \  |            |  .|   | |
  \  `"|           /.-' |   | |
   '-..-\       _.;.._  |   |.;-.
         \    <`.._  )) |  .;-. ))
         (__.  `  ))-'  \_    ))'
             `'--"`       `"""`


% fortune | dogsay
                          _            +--------------------------------------+
                        ,:'/   _..._   |   Till then we shall be content to   |
                       // ( `""-.._.'  |        admit openly, what you        |
                       \| /    6\___  /|  (religionists) whisper under your   |
                       |     6      4  | breath or hide in technical jargon,  |
                       |            /  | that the ancient secret is a secret  |
                       \_       .--'   | still; that man knows nothing of the |
                       (_'---'`)       |   Infinite and Absolute; and that,   |
                       / `'---`()      |  knowing nothing, he had better not  |
                     ,'        |       |   be dogmatic about his ignorance.   |
     ,            .'`          |       | And, meanwhile, we will endeavour to |
     )\       _.-'             ;       |  be as charitable as possible, and   |
    / |    .'`   _            /        | whilst you trumpet forth officially  |
  /` /   .'       '.        , |        | your contempt for our skepticism, we |
 /  /   /           \   ;   | |        |  will at least try to believe that   |
|  \  |            |  .|   | |         |   you are imposed upon by your own   |
  \  `"|           /.-' |   | |        |    bluster. - Leslie Stephen, "An    |
   '-..-\       _.;.._  |   |.;-.      |   agnostic's Apology", Fortnightly   |
         \    <`.._  )) |  .;-. ))     |             Review, 1876             |
         (__.  `  ))-'  \_    ))'      +--------------------------------------+
             `'--"`       `"""`

If you're feeling saucy, you can try out dinosay as well.


Edit .dogsay in your home directory. It is a Yaml file that looks something like this:

:pose: :small
:justify: :center
:strip: :true
:text_width: 35

The full options (though some, like :raw, are incompatible with others, like :justify) are:

:pose: <see dogs directory or use dogsay --list>
:justify: <:ljust|:center|:rjust>
:strip: <true|false>
:raw: <true|false>
:text_width: <integer>

Note that you can't set :animal in your dotfile, as if you want a dog you use dogsay and if you want a dinosaur you use dinosay.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
