
This gem allows you to render your documentation files (Rdoc/Markup/Textile) into nice-looking html files.

Produced result looks similar to GitHub’s README and other doc files.


  • github/markup

  • rdiscount

  • RedCloth


gem install docify


Usage: docify [options] FILE
  -l, --list                       List of all formats
  -f, --format FORMAT              Render as format
      --no-css                     Disable css styling
  -o, --output=PATH                Output file path
  -h, --help                       Show this information

By default docify will write result to terminal:

docify YOUR_FILE.rdoc

>> ...... rendered content

To save results just pass –output with filename

docify YOUR_FILE.rdoc --output ~/Desktop/file.html

Or use regular piping:

docify YOUR_FILE.rdoc > ~/Desktop/file.html

Format will be automatically detected from filename. But if you need to force your format just type:

docify YOUR_FILE.rdoc --format textile

Default format: Rdoc
