
Ruby client for DNSMadeEasy API.


# gem install environment


require "rubygems"
require "dnsmadeeasy/api"

api_key = "your-12345-api-67890-key"
secret_key = "your-12345-secret-67890-key"
api = DnsMadeEasy::Api(api_key, secret_key)
api.list_records "sigfig.com"

To run in sandbox mode (you need an account and api key at sandbox.dnsmadeeasy.com). This is a great way to test your application without changing your production DNS entries.

api = DnsMadeEasy::Api(api_key, secret_key, true)
api.list_records "sigfig.com"

The api calls throw the following exceptions:

* BadRequestError: For cases when there is missing information or the api limits have been exceeded
* ResourceNotFoundError: For cases when a request is made for an unknown domain or record
* AuthorizationFailedError: For cases when the request cannot be authorized
* InvalidRecordError: When a record to be created or updated is not well formed

Command line tool

The client comes with a command line tool “dme”. Use “dme –help” to see how to use the command. The command line tool requires that your api credentials be stored in /etc/dnsmadeeasy/api.keys as


The command line tool also allows the running of queries in the sandbox mode. To do so, create /etc/dnsmadeeasy/api_sandbox.keys with your sandbox api key and secret key and use the –sandbox option with every command.