DNSimple Ruby Client

A Ruby client for the DNSimple API v2.

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DNSimple provides DNS hosting and domain registration that is simple and friendly. We provide a full API and an easy-to-use web interface so you can get your domain registered and set up with a minimal amount of effort.

:warning: Beta Warning

This branch targets the development of the API client for the DNSimple API v2. If you are looking for the stable version of the client for DNSimple API v1 then use the master-v1 branch.

This library is currently in beta version, the methods and the implementation should be considered a work-in-progress. Changes in the method naming, method signatures, public or internal APIs may happen during the beta period.


During the initial beta period, releases of this gem are flagged as prerelease. You will need to append --pre in order to install the beta client.

$ gem install dnsimple --pre

Also note that Bundler ignores pre-releases by default. To use a pre-release gem, make sure to explicitly add the release version.

gem 'dnsimple', '~> 3.0', '>= 3.0.0.pre.beta1'


This library is a Ruby client you can use to interact with the DNSimple API v2. Here are some examples.

require 'dnsimple'

client = Dnsimple::Client.new(access_token: "a1b2c3")

# Fetch your details
response = client.identity.whoami   # execute the call
response.data                       # extract the relevant data from the response or
client.identity.whoami.data         # execute the call and get the data in one line

# Define an account ID.
 = 1010

# You can also fetch it from the whoami response
whoami = client.identity.whoami.data
 = whoami..id

# List your domains
puts client.domains.list_domains().data                      # => domains from the account 1234, first page
puts client.domains.list_domains(, query: { page: 3 }).data  # => domains from the account 1234, third page
puts client.domains.all_domains().data                       # => all domains from the account 1234 (use carefully)

# Create a domain
response = client.domains.create_domain(, name: "example.com")
puts response.data

# Get a domain
response = client.domains.domain(, "example.com")
puts response.data

For the full library documentation visit http://rubydoc.info/gems/dnsimple


Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Aetrion LLC. This is Free Software distributed under the MIT license.